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City Council Is Expected To Discuss The West Franklin Overlay Draft At Its January 9th meeting


West Franklin Overlay Draft Presented to City Council

 The Evansville Area Plan Commission votes to send the West Franklin overlay draft to City Council for a vote. The draft highlights the recommendations done by Alta Engineerings.

One of the key components of the recommendation was to reduce the minimum number of parking spots by 25 percent. That would ease and simplify parking regulations for businesses.

Area Plan Commission also approved another version of the draft to be sent to the council to allow them to decide to reduce the minimum number of parking spots by 50 percent.

Evansville Area Plan Commision Ron London says, “I think the recommendation report basically kind of follows what all three parties were wanting and everybody has to sacrifice a little bit of something so when it was all set and done it sounded like everyone walked out of the room happy that something’s being done and it can be moved forward.”

City Council is expected to discuss the West Franklin overlay draft at its January 9th meeting.

Tyrone Morris

Web Producer

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