The Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library says due to capacity constraints, adults wanting to attend Drag Queen Story Hour must be accompanied by a child.
The story hour is intended for children 11 and under and will feature a local drag performer reading stories chosen by library staff.
Library officials say there is a safety plan in place that includes the safety of staff members, the public performers and anyone who supports the event.
“This storytime is not just for library cardholders. We want as many children who would like to attend the event to be able,†says EVPL Engagement and Experience Officer Heather McNabb.
EVPL staff will be on-site Saturday to make sure the room’s limit is not exceeded.
So if I have a evpl library card but no child 11 or under I am not allowed entry,,however if a person has a child 11 or under and does not have an evpl library card they are allowed entry
Y’all are freaking messed up
They sure are and I will never step goit in a library in Evansvilleb again! It is outrageous that it is even being allowed to happen! Now let’s see if they have a story hour where someone reads Bible stories.
Better yet, a Donald Trump impersonator reading portions of the recent State of the Union address.
EVPL Engagement and Experience Officer? What a bloated bureaucracy. Almost as bloated with administrators as the top-heavy EVSC.
The Evansville taxpayer funded library promoting a drag queen reading hour to small children that requires a safety plan. Genius.
Sounds suspiciously like the illegal alien caravan’s at the border. You can’t have entry to the reading hour at the Library without a kid being with you, whether it’s yours or one you beg, borrow or steal from someone else. All so some unsuspecting little tykes can be confused about the state of nature, manhood and womanhood. They will be able to go home and ask their daddy why he doesn’t dress like and act like mommies. I mean after all the daddies in dresses at the library said it was cool and ok. Perverted event pushed by the radical, non religious, un-American left.
As part of the EVPL safety plan, will the library be carding the children to ensure that no 12 year olds are snuck in to the Drag Queen reading hour?
The bigotry and ignorance in this town is pathetic
RR, the arrogance of the Public Library Board in sponsoring this sideshow for children 11 and younger is pathetic.
Get over yourself
The arrogance is from the ignorance of those who wish to cram their belief system down the throats of everyone with zero reasons
The arrogance is the refusal of you and the rest of the ones who are incapable of understanding that just because someone is different than you, that does not make them wrong
The arrogance is that the library board has gone over and above any reasonable needs to assure that everything is handled according to normal protocols, and the ONLY reason that a “safety plan” has been put in place is because of concerns over the homophobic zealots who would (or will) do everything they can to disrupt the event
The sad part is that any disruptions will just show those children that hatred, homophobia, and ignorance of the “adults” who live local
Just who the hell are YOU to decide who can read to kids and who cannot? Who died and crowned you and the other homophobes the arbitrator of what events a library can have? EVPL announced this event months ago, and everyone had the opportunity to weigh in, and they have made the decision to move forward
The kids and their parents who are attending have known for months exactly what the event is, and they have the parental rights to take their kids to a public library, and if you do not like it? Tough! The danger (as I already pointed out) is that the ugliness of Evansville will likely be on full display, and anyone who does so and scares the kids because of their homophobic hatred and ugliness are the REAL evil in this area
Is attendance compulsory? No!
Is anyone forced to attend against their will? No!
Is the event in the furtherance of a crime? No!
Does it put anyone in harm’s way? No!
Is the event a public health or safety issue? No!
It is those like you and the others who have refused to accept others in the world who are pathetic
RR, you are the hater and name caller here. Typical left wing reaction of social superiority over the deplorables. Give it a break.
RR, don’t get your panties in a wad. (You get the joke there?) The normal people of the city are tried of you leftist trying to shove your immoral, unethical and non scientific bull down out throats. What’s next? “Stripper story hour”, “Transvestite story hour”, “Sex offender stay hour”? “Child Molester story hour” ? Your depraved ideas of what should be allowed and made common in society keeps sinking lower and lower into the bowels of immorality.
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