Centre Financial Statements: What is the Reality of a Hotel’s Influence?

The Incentive Package
The Incentive Package

The financial statements for the Centre point to conclusions that are counter to the assertions that were made yesterday by County Commissioner Marsha Abell and those who have joined the chorus of “the hotel will save the Centre”.

The operating losses for the Centre in 2005, the last year that the Executive Inn was really trying to prosper were $904,947 according to the official financial statement. That same statement that is available on the link below only shows a loss of $475,811 for 2011 the first full year that there was no Executive Inn at all? 2011 was also the first year that Ms. Abell served as a county commissioner and was coincidentally the year with the best (although poor) financial performance for the Centre for the years 2005 – 2011 that were included in this financial statement that the CCO secured yesterday.

The 2013 year to date results show a loss of $206,000 on revenues of $1.2 Million through July 31, 2013 which appears to be on track to lose less money that even the 2011 year did.

The macroscopic analysis of these results would actually correlate the presence of a hotel with an increase in losses at the Centre.

Centre Financial Statement


  1. What is that $165,000 to the Teamsters in 7 months. Hey Marsha, get rid of the Teamsters and save some money. No business in distress would keep the Teamsters around.

    • Exactly, those bastards even killed Hostess Twinkies with there thuggish demands. Fire the Teamsters Marsha!

  2. Line item #2 Marsha. Electric bill of $192,000 in 7 months?? That is $27k per month. Vectren and the Teamsters are killing your Centre. A hotel next door won’t change that a damn bit.

    • Marsha’s facts were dead on correct and her threats were real. Where was County Commissioner Winnecke when Weinzapfel tore down the Executive Inn and broke his contract? He is protecting that guy for some reason and he has been for a long time.

      What would any prudent businessman do if a neighbor cut off his revenue stream? What would Wayne Parke have done when it was HIS money on the line? What the City did to the Centre was criminal and deliberate. The Mayor who runs the city now sat there like a good little girl and let it happen when he was a County Commissioner.

  3. The first question that popped into my mind as soon as I heard all of this Abel bologna was wasn’t the Centre losing money with the Exec anyways?

    And my second question is why is she actively trying to shut it down instead of exploring legal indemnification against the city if there indeed was an agreement in place?

    • Thank you Rails! The County should sue the shit out of the City of Evansville for the financial damage that Weinzapfel caused. You can bet if Henderson did something illegal that damaged Evansville that this would be in court. The only reason the county did not sue the city is because the commissioners are a bunch of Pu$$!e$.

      • I think you mean Marsha and Winneke were obsequious toadies to Wienzapful. Toadies.. that’s the ticket.

  4. Editor: are you unable to read a basic financial statement ?

    The stated loss for YTD July 2013 is $ 260,782 (not $ 206,000). They are carrying the SMG Fee “below the line”, so add to the loss $ 91,282 of SMG Fee.

    Actual loss for 7 months ended July 31, 2013 is $ -352,064; and that matches the ‘Net Income’ shown on the Balance Sheet/equity section of $ -352,064.

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