CCO Compared to Fox News by Courier Editor


It has been reported to the City County Observer that in a morning meeting of an Evansville based Green River Kiwanis Club that Courier and Press Editor Tim Ethridge who was speaking was asked a question from the audience regarding the CCO. Mr. Ethridge is then quoted as saying that “there are people who like Fox News and there are people who like the other networks. The CCO is like Fox News, we have our audience and they have theirs”.

Attendees have confirmed that approximately 60 people in attendance.

The CCO would like to thank Mr. Ethridge for comparing us to the primetime broadcast that has more viewers than all of the other competitors combined as shown in the recent ratings below. We try very hard to show both sides of every issue without hiding from our own position as Fox News advertises that it does with it’s “fair and balanced” mantra.

We do take exception to being lumped into a category considered by many to be extreme right wing. If one were to examine our past opinions one would find that we have opined with the left on may occasions.

The CCO is for the most part a Libertarian leaning publication with a tendency toward a “live and let live” philosophy with conservative fiscal constraints. There are exceptions and we do not always agree but if we were to adopt a mantra it would be “maximum freedom at minimum cost with practical common sense prevailing”. We think that makes for GOOD PUBLIC POLICY which we will always advocate for.

At any rate we are truly flattered to be compared to the most successful news network in America by the editor of a Scripps-Howard publication.

Most Recent Prime Time Ratings:

Fox: 2,049,000
MSNBC: 964,000
CNN: 347,000
HLN: 269,000
CNBC: 201,000

It appears that Fox has more viewers than all of the other competitors combined.


  1. But are you willing to admit that Faux Noise is not a licensed news outlet? In fact, according to various reports I have read, Faux Noise is actually registered as an entertainment channel, more akin to Bravo and A&E then CNN or MSNBC. Perhaps further digging is in order.

    • Where does one apply for a license to broadcast the news? I would submit that ABC, CBS, and NBC have no news outlet license either. I think that such licenses come under the same category as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Leprechauns. At this point in time all news outlets are in the entertainment business whether they admit it or not. As Andy Grove of Intel once said, “we are all just competing for eyeballs”.

      To the subtle point you were trying to make with the Faux word, I have heard blatant self serving lies on every network including the one called Fox.

    • A “News License” sounds like something one might have encountered in Soviet Russia, Maoist China, or FDR’s America.

  2. “Mr. Ethridge is then quoted as saying that “there are people who like Fox News and there are people who like the other networks. The CCO is like Fox News, we have our audience and they have theirs”.”


    And like Fox’s viewer numbers, the CCO has the traffic volume that the C&P does not, but lets face the facts there are no pure news reporting agency’s on TV all are just news readers (talking heads) regurgitating a story with a given slant dictated by the higher ups, the rest are simply editorial opinions (spin) put out as fact….which is akin to the C&P reporting on some topics.


  3. I got rid of my cable TV years ago – probably one of the only reasons I’m still somewhat sane – but the only news network I could watch for any length of time was CNBC. At least they stuck to a subject (economics) that is easy to verify or refute with numbers.

    Fox, while having an impressive following, was extreme propaganda with bullies like Hannity and O’Reilly trying to intimidate guests and belittle opponents with neo-con, chicken hawk BS.

    MSNBC hosts have this air of leftist superiority in their brand of propaganda that caters to the “pinky out”, pretentiously high-brow set who are just smart enough to see through Fox’s bullshit, but not smart enough to see through layer #2.

    HLN…what can I say? Nancy Grace is a shrill she-witch whose very existence disgusts me and the rest of that network wasn’t much better. Too much emphasis on the sensational story, not enough emphasis on common sense or journalism

    CNN is basically a CIA front. Their overblown sets and impressive Minority Report-like technology if just elaborate cover for the “man behind the curtain”. It reminds me how far down the tubes American intelligence has sunk when we need Ritilin-induced bells and whistles instead of hard news and intelligent debates.

    Don’t get me started on the Courier-Press. 😉

      • Typical attack from a witless scoundrel…

        Taking cheap pot-shots from behind a fake user name at the person rather than the ideas.

        I think that’s pretty much the textbook definition of a troll.

  4. No doubt about it, the C&P is “running scared” of the CCO!
    Just love seeing that “Rag” slowly fade in to irrevelence.

  5. The editor of the C&P gives a huge plug to the CCO, one of their main competitors. Very funny, very funny indeed!

  6. Don’t tell me that “Lloyd Winnenke Courier” editor has finally realizes that CCO is alive an well, like FOX news.

    Joe Wallace and CCO staff your doing a great job for the citizens of this community.

  7. Looks like Joe Wallace’s CCO has got the attention of the big boys!

    In fact, I never read the Evansville Courier and Press any more because it is so bland. It went down hill since MIZZEL left town.

    Long live CCO and FOX news.

  8. Congrats CCO for your new status, a Fox news clone.

    To Joe Wallace and staff, job well done!

    • The C&P reference to Fox News was intended to be derogatory from an Occupy Wall Street/Obama/socialist/tree huger perspective; however to the most of us poor hard-working taxpayers in fly-over Red States, it is a compliment of the highest order. Well done CCO, keep up the good work.

      • They know that. What is really of interest here is that Mr. Ethridge has outed himself for a “thrill up my leg” clone of Chris Matthews or a Rachel Maddow wannabe. The Ed Show may soon be The Tim Show. There is nothing like plunging revenues to bring out the Fox haters at NBC and the CCO haters at the CP.

        The CCO must really be giving the CP a case of heartburn by beating the crap out of them on local issues and analysis of stupid deals like Earthcare and the hotel. The CP is not capable of the same level of analysis that the CCO is so they call them Foxes.

        • If the C&P really feared the CCO like the liberal/progressive “journalists” fear Fox News, the C&P would ban Joe Wallace from posting.

          • They have banned me from posting under my screen name of Puchin that I have used for several years. They also rendered every post that I have ever made to be unavailable. They did this a couple of weeks ago and my protest got it reinstated. Then I posted a request for President Obama’s college transcripts under a letter to the editor calling for Romney’s tax returns and was banned again. I sent an email to protest being banned and have heard nothing. Another poster was banned for asking for the transcripts in the same article. I assume the CP at this point does not want me to post so I will not get another posting name.

          • Looks like the C&P is trying to put a “Cuban Trade Embargo” on the CCO and Mr. Wallace. Keep up the great work Joe and Ron. Viva el CCO.

  9. I bet the Editor of Evansville Courier is getting an ear full from his Publisher this morning because he reckonized the CCO in his speech this morning.

    Oh well, the cat is now out of the bag, CCO and Fox news are now considered to be “two peas in a pod.”

  10. Please tell me that this isn’t true.

    If so, the CCO has just took a major step to the next level.

    Forward CCO with fair and balance news.

  11. I think it is rather obvious how self-serving the CCO is based on your “poll” questions.

    How sad that you give only two choices that both pander to your ego

    • We just added a third answer. Neither, it just popped out. If you have another suggestion we will consider it.

      • Read those “poll” questions on the C&P and they are biased and lame to no end.

  12. Thank you. That is an excellent third choice. I applaud you for the quick action

  13. Hey CCO Truth Squad if you don’t like reading or agree with CCO then don’t read it.

    It seems to me that you might be on the Mayor’s staff by the way you try to dog the CCO EDITOR, Joe Wallace all the time.

    Glad your opinion of the CCO is in the minority.

    Oh, I got it-why don’t you start your own left wing based newspaper.

    • I did not take offense to CCO Truth Squad. It was a valid critique and we amended the poll to offer a choice that gave everyone a choice.

  14. It’s becoming quite obvious that Ethridge was promoted because the C&P knew he’d be their patsy. If the CCO is Fox News, the C&P is the WB. My hat’s off to Joe Wallace and Ron Cosby.

  15. I really don’t think you want to be compared with Fraud News. JMO

    Regarding Fox/Fraud and their ratings. Fiction always outsells non-fiction

    • Please see article on 10 things we a most pleased with. We think we were compared for traffic success as opposed to any content comparison. All network news seems to be fraudulent and agenda pushing nowadays though. If you have to copy one of them the one that makes money is better than the ones that don’t.

    • So who do we believe? Thrill up the leg Matthews, big lie Ed, or that lying little winch Maddow? Fox is more truthful than NBC which is not saying much.

  16. It seems to me that the great and “wildly successful” Joe Wallace has gotten much more mouthy since jumping ship back to CA. I always felt that Joe was a better fit for Cali; they have a lot more space for his massive ego.

    It seems as though the old adage needs to be updated: Those who can, do. Those who can’t, write snarky, shit-stirring blogs that the self-important aggrandize and pretend is real journalism.

    I’m done. One less reader for you, but you really don’t care.

    The CCO’s new motto: Agree with me or GTFO. I choose the latter.

    • I’m actually kinda surprised he still serves as Editor of CCO, not because moving gives him no right to, but because if it was me, I would have said “good riddance” and wiped my hands of this area and its problems.

      Joe does still have family here though and I assume making this area a better place for them to raise their families is a motivating factor. Either way, I’m glad he’s chosen to continue holding local politicians’ feet to the flame. My guess is, the above comment is from one such incognito politician frustrated he can’t get away with the crap he thought he was going to when he heard Joe was moving.

    • It was in a Courier blog a while back that when Joe leaves the jackals will return. Seems as the I_Got_Id poster is either one of the jackals or a jackal pup who sucks on the government teet. What’s the matter baby, is Joe spoiling your milk?

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