Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner


CCO Writer and Publisher Joe Wallace and wife Karen represented the CCO at the Bauerhaus chicken dinner which has recently made headlines. At this event, Joe and Karen enjoyed a meal that was assumed to have been paid by the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party. After receiving recent information about the unpaid bill and misrepresented debt, Joe Wallace and CCO owner Ron Cosby decided to take action.

“It’s a matter of principle,” said Ron Cosby. “We had two dinners and the Bauerhaus deserves to be paid for them.”

Joe Wallace added, “We don’t want to benefit from any of the snegal actions taken by the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party. We’re paying our share, they need to step up and take care of the rest.”

Evansville’s small businesses rely on payment from their customers. When stiffed for a significant sum by a local political organization, the business feels it much more than a larger company would. Evansville’s businesses should not suffer due to political games, snegal activity, or gross oversight of one of the most influential groups in town. We at the CCO hope that the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party will step up and cover their end of the bill.

Our check is in the mail.


  1. Very nice gesture CCO, but be sure you send your check directly to the Bauerhaus and not Demo HQ!

  2. Hopefully your good gesture will not cloud the situation by making the small claims court judge think that payments on the balance are being made by the dems.


    • Hey Joe – Last week I was told that your position at the CCO was Publisher. This article refers to you as the Editor. Which one are you??? One other question – Who bought your ticket for the chicken dinner? Did I see you sitting with Rick Davis???

      • Article is wrong on my position. I was out of town all day and spoke on the phone to the author. I did not write it. Will correct. Thanks.

  3. The unraveling of the corrupt Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Vanderburgh County to which we now bear witness has been a long time coming. Their dictatorship of city and county politics has proven to be their undoing after many decades of shoving honest Republicans aside while blatant crooks like Bosse and Whiny-Zapple stole literally millions of dollars from taxpayers, and any business people seeking to sell goods and/or services to either the city or county. If there is an insidious, vile, demonic machine in this town, the Democratic Party is It!
    In the 2003 mayoral election the Democrats bludgeoned Russ Lloyd endlessly until the voters capitulated and gave them the mayor’s office. Whiny-Boy thanked them by shamelessly demanding a $1.5 million kickback from the Reickens for construction of a silly little boat dock for the LST. Since then Whiny-Sniffle has instituted a Pay-to-Play scheme that has extorted well over one million dollars for his own personal benefit.
    The local Democratic party has had a vice-grip hold on Vanderburgh County politics for so long that John Friend finally decided that if he couldn’t beat the Democrats running as a Republican he would change parties, and guess what!, no one in his ward even blinked! The voters slavishly pulled the “D” lever for him as if they were the reincarnation of Pavlov’s freaking Dog!
    And after all of the Democrats’ shenanigans they dream up The Vile, Evil Machine. No thinking person with a knowledge of local politics could possibly fall for that ploy, given Whiny-Sniffle’s performances over the last eight years. Winnecke will win the mayor’s race only because most of the voters can’t trust the Democrats, given their record of the last eight years.

    • If Winnecke had a (D) in front of his name, would you still vote for him?

      What about Winnecke’s policies makes him a true republican in your opinion? Aside from the fact that he sports that (R) currently.

      Many consider him a RINO – do you disagree?

      The same corrupt people who are a part of this unraveling party SUPPORT WINNECKE. Does this not concern you at all?

  4. I dont think there is any need for Ron and Joe to pay anything for the dinner considering they were the guests of Rick Davis and Bill Denton. Kind of hard to hide behind a veneer of impartiality when you’re dining on a candidates dime.

  5. Nice to see Ron and Rick made up and broke bread together. Nice of Ron to forgive and forget the ABC board appointment thingie and Rick to forgive Ron’s recruitment of Steve Millay deal. Brings to mind the old “politics makes strange bedfellows” cliche. Only one question remains, was the chicken any good?

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