IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer  on November 16, 2013  hit the 1 Million page views for the year milestone which leads to a projection at year end of nearly 1.2 Million page views?  …the number of unique visitors associated with this traffic is just over 100,000?  …unique visitors in this case means unique IP (internet protocol) addresses as opposed to different people. If a couple both access the CCO through one router those two people actually count as one?  …in 2012 this milestone was not hit until December 6th?

IS IT TRUE that Our projections for 2014 based on the traffic from the last quarter since the Courier & Press started charging $10 per month to access what they consider premium content is that the CCO should enjoy over 1.5 Million page views in 2014 from over 150,000 unique visitors?  … our is source is Google Analytics?


  1. I feel as though the C&P has gotten even worse since charging. There hasn’t been a single interesting article on the C&P for weeks. Sad.

    • I’ll have to take your word on that, not been back to the C&P since a couple of days after their 10 buck fee.

  2. I agree. Looks like the CCO has finally arrived. All the CCO needs now are OBITS to surpass the Courier. Keep up the excellent work CCO staff and Editor Joe Wallace.

  3. Congratulations City County Observer for this amazing feat. I agree with taxpayer you need to put Obits in your paper.

  4. Obits are the only reason I go to the CP. One day, the CCO might publish the CP’s obit.

  5. Congratulations City County Observer from a converted C&P reader. C&P is lacking both quality & quantity.

  6. Well, I think this is a case of you once again where you might be breaking your arm patting yourself on the back, but the numbers tell a different story (IMHO).

    I looked at (CCO) statistics online and found the following:

    Per your “advertising page” you stated that the CCO “has accelerated readership to the point where it is now ranked by in the top 55,000 websites in America and the top 300,000 in the world”

    Yet when we look at Alexa TODAY, the Alexa ranking that is calculated for CCO page is at a global rank of the lowly number of 2,050,934 in the world, and no longer has ANY ranking in America. That means you fell 1,750.934 levels in world ranking, and off the map completely in America.

    Alexa goes on to give you a “Daily Pageview per Visitor” of 1 (down 15.25% over the last three months), with a “Daily Time on Site” of only 0:55 (down 59.00% over the last three months).

    WOW! People on CCO spend under a single minute. What kind of “milestones” do you think are happening if people are on the website for less than 60 seconds?

    For “Search Traffic (What percentage of visits to the CCO site come from a search engine) you are down to a lowly 12.50%, down a whopping 67.00% over the last three months. The bad news just keeps on coming.

    There are only 49 sites that link to the CCO, while the Courier and Press have 2,951 sites with a direct link to them.

    And for the comparative record, at the same time, Alexa rates the Evansville Courier&Press with a global rank of 68,221, and ranked in the top 18,093 in America.

    Seems to me you have fallen FAR from your “pinnacle” days touted on your advertising page and in this article. Maybe that is why you no longer tell people about your Alexa ranking?

    You can tout your numbers via Google, but most reliable (and informed) web designers know that it requires multiple methods to accurately track website traffic, and it is easy to inflate your numbers by “cherry picking” a single source (like you are doing with Google). I looked at a number of website analysis sites, but I will keep the numbers aside for now. But I assure you that each time I compare CCO and C&P, well, the numbers have never been in your favor, old chap.

    Go ahead and spin this one, or (like you many times do) delete and hide this info from your readership. But those of us that really know about journalism and reporting know the journalistic difference between a “newspaper” and a “blog”.

    Just Keeping It Real…….

    • Copied and pasted directly from Google Analytics for for the trailing year. 11/24/2012 – 11/24/2013
      These are exact counts and are derivatives of nothing. We learned that Alexa does no use exact readings and stopped reporting that roughly a year ago. There is a site called that reports both that has fairly good numbers. It is the best one for checking sites when you don’t have the access codes. If you give me your email I will send a full Google Analytics report to you so you can really keep things real with the statistics of reality.


      Unique Visitors


      Pages / Visit

      Avg. Visit Duration

      Bounce Rate

      % New Visits

      Furthermore our budget is less than $200 per month for website promotion and less than $2,000 period. How does that compare to the CP budget?

    • If you dig a little of those 2951 sites linked to C&P many of them will be other Scripps owned sites.

  7. City-County Observer: the only place to read the facts that lead to the truth. …

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