Caze to Host Pre-ISTEP Breakfast

Caze to Host Pre-ISTEP Breakfast
Monday, February 26
7:45 – 8:30 a.
Caze Elementary School, 2013 S. Green River Rd. 
ISTEP testing throughout the state begins next week and students at Caze Elementary School will get a special breakfast Monday to kick off the testing. Caze staff will be hosting a breakfast of pancakes, sausage and juice for students Monday to create a positive environment for testing and to ensure students have full stomachs in order to perform their best on the test.
Monday, February 26
7:45 – 8:30 a.
Caze Elementary School, 2013 S. Green River Rd. 
ISTEP testing throughout the state begins next week and students at Caze Elementary School will get a special breakfast Monday to kick off the testing. Caze staff will be hosting a breakfast of pancakes, sausage and juice for students Monday to create a positive environment for testing and to ensure students have full stomachs in order to perform their best on the test.