BRIDGE Statement Regarding Attack on Capitol


BRIDGE Statement Regarding Attack on Capitol

The January 6, 2021 attack on our Capitol and our democracy has shaken us to our core. When we considered whether or not we should release a statement, we realized that while upholding democracy is not the official mission of BRIDGE, it is a sacred obligation common to us all.

BRIDGE holds dear its vision of a community in which all people are accepted and treated with dignity. This vision will never become reality if democracy does not thrive. Therefore, we choose to speak up. We condemn the actions of those who violently invaded the Capitol Building. While the perpetrators must be brought to justice, we should all engage in corrective actions of our own. It is impossible to ignore the role that white supremacy played in the violence that unfolded. Our country must reckon with the damage wrought by white supremacy both in our history and current reality.

At BRIDGE, we are working locally to raise awareness of racial inequities and facilitate transformative change. If you, your company, congregation, or other group want to join us in this work, please email or message us on Facebook ( In 2021 and beyond, BRIDGE will continue its quest to create a more unified and equitable city in the place we all call home.

FOOTNOTE: Members of BRIDGE (Building Respect & Integrity in Diverse Greater Evansville): Lora Stephens, Rev. Ange Humphrey, Charlie Berger, Rev. Stephanie Weiner, Nancy Higgs, Kim Kasenow, Rev. Stephen P. Lintzenich, Rich Couture, Erika Taylor, Josh Beach, Jordan Beach



  1. Did I miss their statement not ignoring the violence, arson, looting, attacks on government structures, and deaths of police officers during the BLM riots in Wisconsin, New York, Chicago, D.C., Portland, Seattle, California and many other sites across our nation?

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