Home Political News Breaking News…Bruce Ungethiem To Run For County Commissioner

Breaking News…Bruce Ungethiem To Run For County Commissioner

On Thursday Jan 9th, 2014 at 12 noon in the election office,  Bruce Ungethiem will officially file as a Republican candidate for Vanderburgh  County Commissioner – District 2.
There will be a short statement following the filing and more information including a bio will be available at that time.
 This is a developing story.  We have more information coming.


  1. This is GREAT to see !! He did an outstanding job with CORE, as a voice of the people, he will do a great job as a County Commissioner!!

  2. Go For It!!!! Time for grass roots to get our government back and out of behind closed doors.

    • Agreed! I don’t think this candidacy is going to knock anybody’s socks off. Even if he gets the old gang back together and wins, it’s one vote on a three-person board.
      Boo!! Hiss!! This was totally over-hyped CCO! Shame on you.

      • I don’t think anybody should be surprised by this behavior by the CCO. They love a few select people and they have already shown their willingness to use this site as a campaign tool. If you are in good with the CCO, then you can rest assured that they will use this site to campaign on your behalf. If you have not shown the CCO that you will do what they wnat to get their support, then count on a smear campaign on this site.
        They critisize the “machine”, but they are actually the same thing. They go after anyone who disagrees with them. There is no difference.

        • “They love a few select people and they have already shown their willingness to use this site as a campaign tool.” You should have stopped after “willingness”, then add “to run for public office against lifetime politicians and the political machines that put them in office. CCO loves the outsiders who are brave enough to stand up to the withering assaults, and take a stand to bring sensibility to local government”

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