its a sad day, a sad sad day, when the government can take away your water and pile a million dollar bill on you. were all under contral of the establishement. i picked up several cases of toothpaste so i wont lose the rest of my teeth while i’m underground. but you’ll see me again. theres gonna be a new boss in town
Here’s your answer, Joe.
Thought it was $750,000?
Turn off the water, shut off access tobthe sewer.
It use to be 750k ,that was numerous months ago
Kunkel’s – good luck getting the money
Generally, it a customer of the Evansville Water Utility owes a delinquent bill of nominal portions, the water usually is disconnected. How many time has disconnects occurred for minor amounts of outstandings. Has the McCurdy’s water been shut off?
The City wants to recover its $ 800,000 grant for the McCurdy project (grant made by Johnny W.), so naturally the best move is to inflate a sewer bill and slap a lien on the property.
Brilliant !
Kunkel can’t afford that lien. Maybe the city will take it over and it will be ECHO housing. Of course, it could become an eyesore once again as it crumbles toward the river.
The McCurdy is not plumbed like newer buildings. The main feed into the building feeds both the domestic and fire protection. Newer buildings are required to have two seperate feeds. This problem was well known by the water department. You are not allowed by law to turn off fire protection in a occupied building. Why this was not fixed during the rehab I do not know. Also many local factories have sewer meters. Independent testing services are available. They cost a few thousand but in this case I would consider it.
Okay, is this a crazy idea but if the geothermal water is from an underground aquifer and said water does not need to be flushed through the water department for sanitary reasons, then why can’t it just be plumbed straight to the river? What am I missing?
Jenny, Jenny . . .who can I turn to ?
its a sad day, a sad sad day, when the government can take away your water and pile a million dollar bill on you. were all under contral of the establishement. i picked up several cases of toothpaste so i wont lose the rest of my teeth while i’m underground. but you’ll see me again. theres gonna be a new boss in town
Here’s your answer, Joe.
Thought it was $750,000?
Turn off the water, shut off access tobthe sewer.
It use to be 750k ,that was numerous months ago
Kunkel’s – good luck getting the money
Generally, it a customer of the Evansville Water Utility owes a delinquent bill of nominal portions, the water usually is disconnected. How many time has disconnects occurred for minor amounts of outstandings. Has the McCurdy’s water been shut off?
The City wants to recover its $ 800,000 grant for the McCurdy project (grant made by Johnny W.), so naturally the best move is to inflate a sewer bill and slap a lien on the property.
Brilliant !
Kunkel can’t afford that lien. Maybe the city will take it over and it will be ECHO housing. Of course, it could become an eyesore once again as it crumbles toward the river.
The McCurdy is not plumbed like newer buildings. The main feed into the building feeds both the domestic and fire protection. Newer buildings are required to have two seperate feeds. This problem was well known by the water department. You are not allowed by law to turn off fire protection in a occupied building. Why this was not fixed during the rehab I do not know. Also many local factories have sewer meters. Independent testing services are available. They cost a few thousand but in this case I would consider it.
Okay, is this a crazy idea but if the geothermal water is from an underground aquifer and said water does not need to be flushed through the water department for sanitary reasons, then why can’t it just be plumbed straight to the river? What am I missing?
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