Bob Seger Tickets Already Available Online from High Mark-up Resellers


It was pointed out to the City County Observer today that a multitude of online ticket resellers are already offering tickets to the opening act at the Ford Center a full week before any tickets have been available to the general public. It was reported today that the first ticket sales would begin at 10 am on Saturday September 17, 2011 at the VenuWorks offices and at all ticketmaster outlets at a flat price of $70.

Our research uncovered 7 different websites that are hawking Bob Seger tickets for prices that range from $108 to over $600 per ticket. The locations where tickets are offered for sale at a very premium price to the publicly advertised price range from stage front, to in the seating bowl, to the luxury boxes that were never available to the public.

As this is a new facility that is being paid for by the people of Evansville the City County Observer finds this premature offering of premium seating at exorbitant prices to be not only disgusting but insulting to the people of Evansville.

If these tickets were shares in a public company this would be called “insider trading”. The fact that certain privileged individuals have obviously been given special treatment with respect to buying good seats for the inaugural concert in the Ford Center literally taints the place right from the start.

The City County Observer calls upon VenuWorks, the City of Evansville, and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission to put a stop to this practice and to make all tickets that are not in luxury suites that were also withheld from the public to be placed into the general sales allotment and available to anyone who wishes to get up and stand in line next Saturday morning of go online at 10 am.

This practice is neither honest nor is it fair. It may not even be legal. This practice needs to be ceased immediately. If you want to confirm this report please visit any of the following websites.

or better yet do your own Google search and see if there are even more.


  1. I would not go if the tickets where $ 10 bucks..I’m NOT going to walk 4 or 5 blocks to see a show or have to pay $ 5 bucks to park..we had a GREAT stadium with FREE parking and a LOT of it..The Ford Center was just another way the Mayor screwed the people of Evansville..After he goes out of office and he get a job in Washington..he will be bragging about how he sold the people of Evansville a arena with NO parking to replace one that we already had that just need a money spent on it..

    • You pay to park at Roberts, cost included in ticket price. It called fees on all tickets.

      • Waitamin speaks the truth. Every ticket at Roberts has had a facility fee since they stopped charging to park. You even had to pay the fee if you lived close and walked.

      • I forgot they did have parking ticket booth once ..cost $ much is it going to cost to park in the parking garage?????? how much more is it going to cost for the extra police on the street to protect the people that have to walk 2, 3 or 4 block..

        The New Arena, is a total waste of the people of Evansville money..but it did put a feather in the Mayor hat when he moves on down the line..he can tell how he hustle the people of Evansville..I have to give him credit he the best I have ever saw at sticking it to the people..

        If I win the Power Ball Lottery, I would buy the Stadium and give it to the people of Vanderburgh Country..and run the Weinzapfel Center out..We didn’t want it in the first place..

  2. Does anything happen in Evansville that does not involve some backroom dealing? Are the people of this city just so numb to governmental abuse of power that they just bend over and take whatever is forced upon them. This is the height of arrogance on the part of whomever orchestrated this.

  3. This is an issue of public trust and personal integrity. I think the city of Evansville is owed an explanation of the thoughts behind this and the process.

  4. If you don’t like the corruption that is the hobnailed boots of Democratic politicians on the necks of the taxpayers of this town get rid of them as they come due for re-election.

    Whining is of no use to anyone, and is a waste of time as well.

    It’s no wonder that the population of this weed-infested town is shrinking day by day.

    • Your favorite term of endearment for us Democrats seems to be that we tread on our fellow Americans’ necks with “hobnailed boots.” You have used that terminology over and over again in these blogs. All it does is show you as a radical flamer with no credibility … only hate and venom.

  5. As if we needed more proof of the arrogance and “rules don’t apply to us” behavior of the Mayor, the ERC and other bamboozlers involved with the Arena, we are given this ticket information on the day we should be paying tribute to the heroes of 9/11 in NYC.

    1) The sale of the private suites was poorly handled, pure “insider trading”–never made available to the public (If I remember correctly, the per event cost of those suite tickets was < $ 20). However, if the person who bought the suite has extra tickets, and want to "scalp" them at high prices before the general public has access to tickets, more power to them !

    2) But I have a MAJOR PROBLEM with non-suite seats being sold before the announcement to the public. Let's go politicians, if you're going to try to maximize the skim by TRYING to sell at a premium before the great unwashed have a crack at the tickets, you have to announce that before hand (see above, "arrogance and the rules don't apply to us" ;

    3) And if the poster Joe Biden is correct, there are tickets being sold for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the Arena in December ? I've been hospitalized recently, but has this event even been announced ? Next we'll find out that Frank Sinatra is appearing the day after Thanksgiving ?

    As my kids are fond of saying, " this blows chunks".

  6. Forgot to mention–how can an event maximize revenue by charging $ 70 for all tickets ? Someone help out here: is this an indication that the vast majority of people would just buy the cheapest ticket (say, $ 45), and by doing this you are forcing an extra $ 25 out of them ? I have never worked in this industry, but I do understand the concepts of Yield Management, and this approach seems backwards to me ! Also, there is a huge opportunity for malfeasance with this kind of scheme: a call by a politico to hold back a block of same-priced tickets for insiders; and Joe Blow on the street, who camps out to be first in line for Metallica is up in the nose bleed. Just wait–if this “one price for all” is used for every show, this will happen !

  7. It has already happened and the doors are not even opened yet. Look on those websites. Those are all good tickets that some insider has been promised. Some are greedier than others as the various prices indicate.

    I have no problem with someone sleeping on the sidewalk to get great tickets for $70 each and then flipping them for a massive profit. What I have a problem with is when someone sleeps to noon and never goes to the box office but is handed great tickets for $70 (or less) that they flip for anything.

    This utterly corrupt practice needs to be turned on its head. This action is nothing more than giving the people of Evansville the middle finger.

    • Good question “Why Bob Seger?” I saw Seger at Roberts in I think 1979 when he was the backup band for KISS. At that time the crowd of 14,000 was all about KISS and just wanted Bob Seger to finish his set and get off the stage. As the announcer said at a later KISS concert in the LA Forum, “We know your ready for the HOTTEST BAND IN THE LAND but first you have to listen to these other effers for 30 minutes”. I also understand that Seger has been to Roberts as the backup band for 80’s hair bands on three other occasions. On his fifth trip to town he is finally the headliner.

      I asked my 20 year old daughter yesterday if she knows Bob Seger. The answer was “No, did he go to North?”. This is where the generational mismatch is. She knows some Seger songs from them being in movies that she has seen but that is it. The opening act at the Ford Center is for people over 50 who are more pragmatic about dropping $70 on a ticket than a teenager. I hope there will be successful concerts and not being one of the “chosen ones” who got sweetheart deals will be in line or online at 10 am next Saturday to hopefully get a good pair of tickets.

  8. I know this is the only concert ever that has tickets being sold or tickets held for early sales. It must be some major conspiracy. Some of you people need to get a life.
    I talked to a person who went to the Seager concert in Indy, said was great and couldn’t wait to see him here. He also said tickets as far as he knew were all the same price but bet they were not.

    • hey, PACman, did you and your beer-swilling buddies from this past week get a sweet suite deal from one of your upcoming ‘slate of candidates ‘ ? Be sure to disclose that on your upcoming form.

      • No suite deal that I’m aware of. You must have heard that from some mole. I was with more beer-swilling friends last night at the concert at Ellis Park than last week. Had a friend pick up our tickets when they first went on sale so no I didn’t get a sweet deal there either. Paid top dollar and had great time.
        Did you and your friends enjoy your cookies and milk this weekend.
        Yes it will all be on the finiacal report.

        • My walker broke over the weekend, and lactose really makes me mad. You should drink less beer, or Ms. PACman might start shopping around.

          • I treat her like the great lady she is. I’ll be the first to admit she deserves a lot better than me.

      • Yeah biscuit, how did the JFK club family flop day go? Or should we wait to find out from the financial report they file with the clerk?

        • A buddy called to tell me around 125 or so people showed up, and they raised around $ 35,000. That’s about twice what the Maingate PACkers raised. A good day in the neighborhood. Enjoy your concert.

          • $35,000 divided by 125 people comes out to $280.00 per person. I seriously doubt they grossed that much gate, let alone netted that much after expenses. But the campaign finance report filed with the county clerk, or the non-profit income report filed with the IRS will tell the true story I suppose.

          • teaparty, one guy tossed in $ 15,000 by himself. Another dude tossed $ 2,500. Go figure. Also, they had donated refreshments, no cost.

  9. Now we see the “character” of Venuworks, as well as the “Why” they were hired.—The Darkside Democrats still run the “Show”.

  10. Evansville’s Ugly Identity?—-has been forged by a multitude of Snegal “happenings”. The Beat goes on, and the oblivious claim, it’s only rock and roll.

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