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  1. Next week will begin the City Budget hearings. Butterfly McGinn has proposed a 25% reduction in our Homestead Property Tax Credit which will equate to approximately $500,000 in additional revenue ..but, be prepared for Butterfly’s biggy, a 25% increase in our income tax county rate ..

    As of June 30, 2016, the General Fund is $3.9 mil but without Winnecke’s manipulations the General Fund actually is negative by approx $16 mil ..why because at the end of 2015 they without the consent of Council moved $12.5 mil from the Riverboat to the General Fund addition they stopped paying doctors/hospital bills and as a result has overdrawn the hospitalization fund in the tune of $7.5 mil ..consequently, the General Fund owes $7.5 mil to the hospitalization fund ..

    The General Fund one year ago, i.e. June 30, 2015 was $855,000 which should have been negative $3.2 mill because again Russ Lloyd, Jr did not pay the hospitalization fund $4 million comparison, the General Fund overspent $13 million from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 over one million per month just as was stated by some members of the prior year council ..unfortunately, the prior year’s Finance Chairman (O’Daniel) lacked resolve to deal with Winnecke’s overspending ..So, expect the same out of Butterfly but he unlike O’Daniel will accept higher taxes ..

    So, with Butterfly’s proposal of a reduction of 25% in the Homestead Credit and 25% increase in our County Option Income Tax rate, the added revenue is $4.5 million ..where are the cuts of $8 mil to balance the General Fund Budget coming from .. or do we just have what we have at the National level ..TAX AND SPENDERS!!!

    • As reported, Tropicanna prepaid their lease obligations and that is where the 12.5 mil originated why has Winnecke violated the 1995 Council Resolution to limit Riverboat money to only capital expenditures, i.e. firetrucks, police cars, etc. .etc. .etc .. and for those who do not know the function of the General Fund is the where salaries for police and fire come together with the other costs to operate the City.

    • I borrowed this post for Facebook, but unlike what Melania Trump did with Michelle Obama’s words, I gave you credit for them.

  2. We know that our City Council leadership is the least transparent and accountable in recent history. It is time for us to show up and speak up at the budget hearings.

      • No she won’t. We’re batting a thousand. We’ve seen them withdraw both of the ordinances we showed up about in recent weeks. They love it when people don’t show up.

        • Sorry about the double post. It appears there is a problem with the site or my computer.

    • Don’t expect to be received with any respect. Mosby has listings to worry about. Christmas Carol McClintoch must be satisfied. To hell with the taxpayers

      • Absolutely no respect is expected. I expect eye rolling, sighing, and smirking until 2019. That will be a city election year. We’re getting what we deserve from Fourteen Votes Mosby and her groupies. We allowed them to get elected.
        They don’t have the nerve to have their way with the city’s finances if we stand in front of them and ask the right questions.

  3. Why does this saying ring familiar as of late?

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
    then to speak and to remove all doubt!

  4. I think I am not the only CCO poster who is so disgusted by Trump’s latest campaign talks…so sickened in fact by Trump’s lack of simple respect for legal civility….that we’re just not talking about it at all today.

    Trump made it clear – once she’s elected and free to appoint judges, there’s only one remedy to stop her remaining. And then implied assassination. It was NOT a comment that called for action BEFORE she is President. QUOTE: “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks…..well, maybe there is” – and then references gun owner rights. Direct reference for remedies AFTER the election.

    Trump defenders have two responses:
    1. “He didn’t say that.” (Problem is, in plain english words, he did say that, and that is a lie.)
    2. “Yes…he did say that. He said it! And the other candidate is so bad, he was justified in saying it!” (joking to gun owners that it is ok to assassinate her).

    It’s…. 1 ….or ….. 2 .

    • I see that the Orange Buffoon’s fans appear to have fallen silent here. Either they have seen the light or decided to quit embarrassing themselves. I appreciate their absence, whatever the cause.

      • I will have to give Hillary credit in that she doesn’t talk about terminal solutions to problematic people. It just happens.

        • (BTW…this response from you acknowledges that you heard the dog whistle. Because your words here show that you are saying “yes….he did imply a terminal solution…..and SHE is no different and would do the same – only she won’t vocalize it.” That validates that you DID hear the dog whistle Indiana Enoch…

          More clearly: You say in your post here below ‘”I didn’t” hear the dog whistle.’ But in this post….your are acknowledging you did.

          • Of course he was. His words were plain english words saying exactly that. If you insist he “meant something else”…..not an assassination joke….please tell us what that post-election remedy that he meant to describe…tell us what that was Indiana Enoch.

          • Would not Trumps comment be similar to someone
            making a comment towards a person? That they
            may say it was not sexual in nature, but “it is” all
            about how the other person/group perceives it?

  5. 3. He was emphasizing how final an election is in the selection of judges. Of course in your deluded state of mind you will hear a dog whistle. I didn’t.

    • I-E:
      I agree. He was talking about how the election will decide it. BUT….he was also talking about the last resort remedy to that finality once it has passed.

      You’re being dishonest when you say you didn’t hear that remedy. You deny it I-E because you believe Trump was justified in making the comment, and are willing to sacrifice your normal day-to-day decency, this time. (For shame accusing me of being deluded on this one Sir. Trump’s meaning was plain to see. And Trump’s character, I acknowledge, sees no danger in joking about this. We both know there are plenty in his audience of fans who will not consider it a joke.)

        • Of course he was. Even you have acknowledged he did. Was he doing it as a joke? THAT is what you might mean.

          More importantly, some Trump America fans….are crazies, hell, even YOU know that. And an assassination joke to them…..might not be understood as a joke. Presidential Candidates are “not just responsible for what they say, they are responsible for what people hear.” Good Presidents understand it is BOTH.
          (I noticed you can’t deny you heard the “dog whistle.” That’s important….cause he shouldn’t joke about such things.)

          • Trump was calling for Hillary to be shot by one of the ignoramus gunnies that worship him. He followed with, ‘But I tell you what, that will be a horrible day’. It’s always a bad day when one of our politicians are assassinated. He still has people who will try to tell you that you didn’t hear what you heard. Amazing.

            Today his spokesperson didn’t even try to sell it as a joke anymore, leaving Pence and the other jokesters hanging out there. The new line focuses on the political power of the NRA, something that has the added nasty benefit of making his worshippers wet to their knees. After his increasingly outrageous statements it usually takes 2 or 3 days before they settle on one story. Then the lemmings in the hinterlands drop their previous inept attempts at covering for him to get in line. They are so used to being kicked around that it really doesn’t matter to them anymore. They are ready to burn down America.

            It wasn’t even a dog whistle. He now knows a dog whistle is sometimes too subtle for his supporters to understand. He just flat out said it. They will continue to tell you that you didn’t hear what you heard. The guy is seriously ill. Unfit to be president.

        • Of course he was. His words were plain english words saying exactly that. If you insist he “meant something else”…..not an assassination joke….please tell us what that post-election remedy that he meant to describe…tell us what that was Indiana Enoch.

          • It’s the difference, (In plain English), of calling someone a whore, or saying she managed a late evening business.

            Anyway, here is one minute of Trump’s plain English that he’s taking care of spinning all by himself;


            Believe me….

          • Yes DB Really. What any reasonable person listening with an open mind hears is that once Hillary is president, any president, that can’t be change short of the person dying. Was he smart to word it as he did? No, because he has to learn that there are a herd of never Trampers and associated goofballs listening for anything he says which they can take to the worst possible conclusion. He is not calling for anyone to kill Hillary as an exercise of their 2nd amendment right.

      • Hey Press:
        Are you living on another planet? (We know that answer. It is “Yes.”)

        The Secret Service is interviewing Trump about inciting assassination attempts against the other Candidate……in case you hadn’t noticed, Baghdad Bob.

        Baghdad Bob: is best known for his grandiose and grossly unrealistic propaganda broadcasts before and during the war, extolling the invincibility of the Iraqi Army and the permanence of Saddam’s rule. His announcements were met with widespread derision and amusement by Western nationals and others with access to up-to-date information from international media organizations. In the US he was popularly known as Baghdad Bob, in the UK as Comical Ali (a joke derived from Saddam’s cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid, who was also known as “Chemical Ali”), and in Italy as Alì il Comico.

      • Trump is intellectually, philosophically, and morally unfit to be President of the United States. The majority of the voters are seeing that. Period. Dot. End.

        • So is Hillary, except her inadequacy are based on past performance while the accusations against Trump do not match his history. Finished, nee, niet, nein, nahi.

        • At some point……a foolish Trump is gonna start helping the Republican Party by being creating a lot of space for the low-taxes, pro-business Chamber of Commerce GOP to be thought of as “the Adults.” Trump’s followers will leave politics forever. They will become non-voting slum.

          I have said from the very beginning that Pressanykey is NOT motivated by Trump winning, or Hillary losing….that there is no election outcome will make him actually happy.
          Press just wants to watch the world burn…since he can’t be happy, he wants to make sure no-one is happy.

          So….expect Press to change his tune shortly, as things worsen for Trump.

          Right now it’s “Hillary bad.”
          But shortly after it is clear Trump is leading a super electoral landslide win for Hillary Clinton…..Pressankey is gonna start proclaiming a Hillary WIN as his WIN…”Ha! We cut those elite Republicans down to size.”

  6. Breaking!……..DOJ rejects FBI request to investigate Clinton Foundation

    Once again, the Department of Justice has protected Hillary Clinton. Earlier this year the DOJ denied a request from the FBI to investigate her pay-to-play, corrupt Clinton Foundation.

  7. There is currently a lunatic climbing the Trump Tower in NYC. I’d lay 10-1 odds that he or one of the offspring hired him for the publicity.

  8. Trump’s economic speech was fraught with “inaccuracies” Monday. I wonder if the master manipulator came up with the “Kill Hill” comment to draw attention away from that. The economy is the ONLY issue he leads Hillary in the polls on and that has dwindled to four points. Tomorrow she’s speaking on the economy and will do a lot better than he did Monday. He’s already whipping up a kerfuffle to detract from it. He’s doing one of his classic pathological lies, saying that the Secret Service did not speak to him about the hint to assassinate Hillary. It was announced a little while ago that the Secret Service had interviewed him on the subject. I think I’ll believe the Secret Service on this one.
    He really wears me out with his psychosis.

  9. I’ve finally figured out Trump’s hair! For a long time I’ve been mystified about why some one with money and access to the best stylists would go around looking like he does. I mean, it goes beyond the bizarre comb-over with the long, unkempt looking “DA” style that makes him look like a geriatric version of a 1950s “greaser.”

    He’s bound to see how awful he looks every time he walks past a mirror, right? Except maybe, just maybe, he’s never seen himself in a mirror! Legend has it that vampires don’t cast a reflection in a mirror because they have no soul.
    I think he’s a VAMPIRE!! It explains a lot. He’s never seen himself, so he doesn’t know how awful he looks. He has no soul, and that is why he treats humans so horribly. We need you, Buffy!!!

    • Sitting in a dark Mesker Amphitheater feeding raccoons peanuts.

      Exactly what Trump’s been feeding him….

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