Attorney General Todd Rokita Secures Third Victory In Upholding Indiana Laws Protecting Unborn Life

attorney general

Attorney General Todd Rokita on Monday secured Indiana’s third court victory this month in defense of state laws protecting the lives of unborn children and the health of their mothers.

This time, a U.S. district court has vacated a judgment against an Indiana law prohibiting abortions sought on the basis of the unborn child’s race, sex or disability.

“There is something particularly repugnant about discriminating against a child because of his or her race, sex or disability,” Attorney General Rokita said. “To choose to end a child’s life on that basis while he or she is still in the womb is especially tragic. Hoosiers can be grateful that Indiana is now free to enforce a law rooted in common sense, compassion and justice.”

On July 7, Attorney General Rokita achieved another historic pro-life legal win when a federal district court granted his motion to lift an injunction on dismemberment abortions, which occur well into an unborn baby’s development.

Then, on July 11, a U.S. appellate court vacated judgments in the Whole Woman’s Health Alliance v. Rokita case that had invalidated several other Indiana laws protecting unborn children and the health of their mothers.

Documents from Monday’s court actions are attached.


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