AOL Acquires Huffington Post for $315 Million


Arianna Huffington

Who says Journalism doesn’t Pay Anymore?

In a surprising but strategic move America Online has agreed to purchase the Huffington Post, a pioneer in the Blogosphere for a staggering $315 Million. AOL’s strategy with this both defensive and offensive move is stated to be to Create a Premier Content Network With Local, National and International Reach

Arianna Huffington, founder and one of only two shareholders of the Huffington Post will lead the newly formed Huffington Post Media Group that intends to integrate all Huffington Post and AOL Content, including news, technology, local, multicultural, entertainment, video, community, and more into their daily news feed.

The New Combined Media Group Will Reach 117 Million Americans and 270 Million Globally. Prior to the deal with AOL, the Huffington Post which was founded in 2005 enjoyed a readership of 25 Million unique visitors per month.

Here is a link to the full story: