Andrew Luck Giving Tuesday Q & A Event

Visit our new Giving Tuesday site for a live Q & A with Andrew Luck!
Plus, your Giving Tuesday gift will be matched today>>
Andrew with Mason and Nolan Birke

We’re making Giving Tuesday an EVENT this year!

In the past you’ve shown Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health kids how much you care by making gifts of support. Now, I hope you’ll help get our whole community behind Riley.

Visit our website,, today for live Q & A’s with local celebrities and community leaders, including me. And, remember: every gift made to Riley on Giving Tuesday will be DOUBLED.

Will you help me lead the way for Riley kids? Visit our site and make a Giving Tuesday gift today.

Then, tell the world why Riley gives YOU hope.

With Gratitude,

Andrew Luck,
Riley Giving Tuesday Ambassador
