Home Breaking News Amendment fails to bring Indiana any closer to marijuana legalization

Amendment fails to bring Indiana any closer to marijuana legalization


Amendment fails to bring Indiana any closer to marijuana legalization

A hemp product discussion was first on the list Thursday as the House debated Senate Bill 20, which deals with alcohol and hemp matters.

The bill was authored by Sen. Liz Brown, R-Fort Wayne, Sen. Linda Rogers, R-Granger, and Sen. Chip Perfect, R-Lawrenceburg.

Rep. Justin Moed, D-Indianapolis, offered an amendment to the bill that he said would delete some words regarding the definition of cannabis flour and cannabis.

Rep. Christopher Judy, R-Fort Wayne, opposed the amendment, saying it would essentially exceed the 0.3% threshold. Judy said he would support cannabis legalization but not by this route.

According to federal statute, cannabis containing 0.3% or less of THC is considered hemp, while cannabis containing more than 0.3% of THC is considered marijuana.

Following the meeting, Indiana House Democratic Leader Rep. Phil GiaQuinta, D-Fort Wayne, released a statement regarding the amendment.

“Not only will legalizing marijuana bring Indiana into the 21st Century and boost our economy, it will help Hoosiers—current and prospective—who could benefit from the legal use of medical marijuana. From chronic pain to epilepsy, medical marijuana can change lives,” he said.

“Legalizing marijuana in Indiana would help not just Hoosiers with medical needs already living here, but it would protect those traveling through our state with a valid prescription from one of the 37 states with common-sense marijuana laws from getting in legal trouble.”



  1. I beleive that people of Indiana in pain & with Epelepsy should get a break from the Republicains that think more of themselves.

  2. I have seizures a few times a month and sometimes more than a few times. When I was living in Oklahoma I was given a prescription for legalized marijuana it helped calm my seizures down tremendously in the beginning I was having anywhere from 5 to 10 seizures a week and just about killed me I was unable to eat I lost all kinds of weight I got down to less than 60 pounds and I had terrible trouble sleeping and when my neurologist prescribe it to me I couldn’t believe it so I went to the dispensary and she had given me five different strains depending on how bad the seizures were and now I’m living in Indiana and it’s not legalized here my seizures are more frequent those days I can’t eat anything I have hardly any sleep I’m lucky if I get 3 hours of sleep at night I’m in chronic pain all the time I wake up in pain I’m in pain throughout the entire day and by evening time sometimes I could just cry it would help for the people that actually need it would be a blessing to me the seizures are wearing me out and if they get as bad as they once was my neurologist in Vegas told me I would never make it through it again the seizure was so bad I was going into convulsions I collapsed and oxygen bag trying to gas for air he said if I ever had another seizure that bad I would never survive it Indiana needs to do something I don’t feel like dying at the moment and the man upstairs isn’t ready for me yet there has to be a compromise for the people that do need it for medical purposes it can be monitored through the doctor’s offices it can be monitored through the state not everybody gets a medical card I do wish you would reconsider it would help me out so much cuz right now my life isn’t really worth living if all I’m going to be doing is seizing up and jumping all over the floor looking like a crazy person I went into Walmart the other day and went into a seizure I’ll come too and all these people are staring at me like they never seen it before you know embarrassing that is I do hope that we can come to some kind of compromise for the people that really do need it

  3. Who ever killed anyone driving under the influence of mary Jane and charged with driving while stoned. Usually makes me drive slower and more cautious, besides being hungry

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