Al Lindsey’s Appeal Action


Lindsey Appeal (1) Pages 1-6


Lindsey Appeal (2) Pages 7-13


  1. I agree, especially if Missy Mosby is working. She might go to the police to turn u in for drinking.

  2. Maybe the CCO could have the courtesy of orienting the PDF properly so people can easily read it

  3. #58 and #84 are big but what about the Indy “consultant” that picked up the 48 drink bar tab. What was he doing there with all the elected Democrats.

  4. After reading he appeal, I suspect Danks is charging by the word. There is so enough surplus BS in the appeal to fertilize a 1,000 acre field. Said flatly, much is not germane.

    Examples are items such as his military service, wife and children, his military rank and discharge.

    No one is doubting Lindsey’s committment to country, but Danks had to fill more paper.

  5. So much for Missy Mosby!

    The world will be a better place when she is voted off the council.

    • What’s your objection to Missy on this topic? “The world will be a better place when she is voted off city council?” I don’t follow your logic. Lindsey lied. Had no one been made aware of Lindsey’s actions do you think he would clocked himself out for the appropriate amount of time on his own merit? I have my doubts.

      • Lindsey was on his own time and how long have you know Lindsey to make any kind of judgement on what his actions would have been. Show me the fire station with a time clock. Drink much kool-aid?

        • USA1975 – first of all I do not appreciate your sarcastic comment. Do I drink much kool-aid??? Do you drink much Mt. Dew? He says he did one thing and his lawyer says he did another. He could easily make a statement and clear this all up. Instead he’s got a legal game of double-speak going.

          The original point of my response to Hippo was to figure out how Lindsey getting caught lying was connected to “the world being a better place when Missy was voted off council.” Frankly, I’m sick of hearing about Missy Mosby, but at the same time, Lindsey is a grown man and I’m even more sick of hearing people blame her for his troubles.

          I’m not going to show you a fire station with a time clock. I did not assume that when I used the word “clocked” the reader would be tripped up and not get my point because fire stations don’t actually have clocks. In the future when I respond I’ll keep in mind that not only does the city county observer have very intelligent readers, it also has fifth grade readers.

          Enjoy a Mt. Dew and get back to class USA1975.

          • Well written, so when someone reads your posts they should look at them as riddles the blog says this but means that. Evidently I went to school 2 years longer than you did with your 3rd grade comments.Enjoy your bottle remember anything stronger than 2% hurts your tummy.

        • Is how long you’ve known somebody the only thing that validates a judgement on his actions? How long have you known Lindsey? Maybe fire stations need to have time clocks. Most other muny departments do. It’s a great idea, and would’ve helped Lindsey prove his attendance claims for the evening he shared drinking Mello Yello with his colleagues.

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