AUGUST 17, 2010

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Consent Agenda
(Any Board Member may remove an item from the Consent Agenda for discussion purposes, to ask questions, to make corrections, etc.)

A. Minutes August 3, 2010

B. Payroll – Week ending August 1, 2010 – $202,628.50
August 8, 2010 – $113,525.94

C. Pay Requests and Other Accounts Payable Voucher Register Items

2008 Water Bond

Account #39355/Engineering

1. For $1,366.81 (Pay Request No. 28) to Commonwealth Engineers for the Howell/Fairlawn Water Quality project, April 1 – June 30, 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $184,350; Balance on Contract: $27,172.06.

Account #30380/Water Treatment Plant Improvements

2. For $8,765.90 (Pay Request No. 3) to Black & Veatch Corporation for the Station 1 High Service Pit, Backflow Prevention and Floodwall Repair at the Water Treatment Plant, through July 16, 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $156,873; Balance on Contract: $99,541.71.

3. For $31,242 (Pay Request No. 2) to PPMI Construction Company for the Installation of Flap Gates at the Water Treatment Plant, July 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $74,684; Balance on Contract: $13,500.

Account #39395/Tank Improvements

4. For $161,132.17 (Pay Request No. 12/Release Retainage) to Phoenix Fabricators & Erectors, Inc., for the USI Elevated Tank project, recommended by Jerry Goodwin (Beam Longest & Neff)/Roger Johnson. Contract Amount: $2,016,652.12; Balance on Contract: $42,783.04 including Retainage.

Water General Fund

Account #63491/Contract Services – Consultants

5. For $19,100 to Umbaugh for accounting assistance, May 27 – July 26, 2010, recommended by James Garrard. Invoice split between Water & Sewer.

Sewer General Fund

Account #14260003/Contractual Services – Consultants

6. For $19,100 to Umbaugh for accounting assistance, May 27 – July 26, 2010, recommended by James Garrard. Invoice split between Water & Sewer.

7. For $7,500 (Pay Request No. 17) to Peck Madigan Jones & Stewart for federal lobbying assistance, July 2010, recommended by James Garrard.

Account #14260006/Legal

8. For $300 (Pay Request No. 2010-8) to Bamberger Foreman Oswald & Hahn for legal services relating to the Mt. Auburn Sewer project, recommended by James Garrard.

9. For $1,460.60 (Pay Request No. 36) to Krieg DeVault for legal service related to Old State Utility, June 2010, recommended by James Garrard.

Sewer Repair & Replacement Fund

Account #94710304/West Treatment Plant

10. For $16,500 (Pay Request No. 2/Final) to PPMI Construction Company for the West Plant Sluice Gate replacement, recommended by John Rexing. Total Contract Amount: $44,000.

Sewer BAN

Account #04531500/Water & Wastewater Management

11. For $12,600.66 (Pay Request No. 12) to Malcolm Pirnie for Water & Wastewater Management assistance, June 5 – July 9, 2010, recommended by James Garrard. Contract Amount: $596,400; Balance on Contract: $33,817.88.

2008 SRF

Account #02062004/Engineering

12. For $37,301.18 (Pay Request No. 3) to VS Engineering for the advanced facilities projects administration – real time flow metering (Gripp, Inc.), recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $2,570,596; Balance on Contract: $2,319,394.

2009 SRF

Account #20262015/Southeast Boulevard, Brookside Drive & Covert Avenue Sewer

13. For $6,836.25 (Pay Request No. 8) to Bernardin Lochmueller for construction administration assistance for the Southeast Boulevard, Brookside Drive & Covert Avenue Sewer project, June 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $200,000; Balance on Contract: $163,639.45.

14. For $913,595.52 (Pay Request No. 9) to Blankenberger Brothers, Inc. for the Southeast Boulevard, Brookside Drive & Covert Avenue Sewer project, July 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke. Contract Amount: $23,690,589.42; Balance on Contract: $18,211,785.53 including Retainage.

15. For $48,083.97 (Pay Request No. 9/Retainage) to Old National Bank escrow agent for Blankenberger Brothers, Inc. for the Southeast Boulevard, Brookside Drive & Covert Avenue Sewer project, July 2010, recommended by Michael Labitzke.

D. Residential Sewer Taps

No. 18194 – Thomas R. Marx, 2821 Rode Road $1,200
No. 18195 – Bud’s Plumbing, 544 East Parkland Avenue $ 1
No. 18196 – Green Meadow Construction, 2249 Belize Drive $1,200
No. 18197 – Eagle Construction, 4104 Eagle Watch Drive $1,290
No. 18198 – John Mattingly Homes, 3818 Aberdeen Court $1,290
No. 18200 – Abney Construction, 7838 Wisteria Lane $1,200
No. 18201 – Homes by Eagle Construction, 4010 Eagle Watch Drive $1,290
No. 18202 – Homes by Eagle Construction, 10939 Havenwood Meadows Drive $1,200
No. 18204 – Jason D. Southwell, 324 Euclid Drive $ 1
No. 18207 – Habitat of Evansville, 2105 Shadewood Avenue $ 1
No. 18208 – Habitat of Evansville, 2109 Shadewood Avenue $ 1
No. 18209 – Habitat of Evansville, 2113 Shadewood Avenue $ 1
No. 18210 – Suburban Building, Inc., 2516 Ellington Ridge Court $1,200
No. 18211 – Habitat of Evansville, 2013 Shadewood Avenue $ 1
No. 18212 – Habitat of Evansville, 2101 Shadewood Avenue $ 1
No. 18213 – Habitat of Evansville, 2009 Shadewood Avenue $ 1
No. 18214 – Habitat of Evansville, 2005 Shadewood Avenue $ 1
No. 18215 – Jagoe Homes, Inc., 3750 Bronson Lane $1,200
No. 18217 – Sterchi Homes Corp., 9022 Hartwell Drive $1,200
No. 18218 – Sterchi Homes Corp., 9032 Hartwell Drive
E. Commercial Sewer Taps

No. 18199 – Architecture Plus, 10100 Hedden Road $ 0
No. 18205 – Mal Properties, LLC, 806 Maxwell Avenue $ 0
No. 18206 – Daryl Van Winkle, 1005 Hercules Avenue $ 0

F. Water Construction Applications
Approval of Plans
No. 10775 – CD Smith Construction, 889 East Johnston Street
To serve 6211 Waterford Blvd. (Fire Protection)
No. 10776 – CD Smith Construction, 889 East Johnston Street
To serve 6211 Waterford Blvd. (Compound & Turbine Meters)
No. 10631 – Dr. Eric Cure, 1520 West Baseline Road
To serve 1520 West Baseline Road

G. Sewer Construction Applications
No. 0142 – Veach, Nicholson, Griggs Associates, 1830 A West Franklin Avenue
To serve Greerwood Terrace
No. 1227 – Sitecon, Inc., 10335 Hedden Road, Suite 2
To serve The Reserve at Hidden Lake

3. Unfinished Business

2008 Water Bond
Account #39360/Distribution System Improvements

Open Bids for the Kratzville Road Water Line Replacement Project.

4. New Business

2008 Water Bond

Account #39360/Distribution System Improvements

A. Approve Utility participation in the water line extension for Todd Weyer (CE 10772) on Broadway Avenue in the amount of $21,952.50 ($15,882.50 for 50% participation and $6,070 for upsizing the line from 8” to 12”), recommended by Michael Labitzke.

B. Approve Utility participation in the water line extension for Marianne Schili (CE 10771) on Inglefield Road in the amount of $8,640 ($6,590 for 50% participation and $2,050 for upsizing the line from 8” to 12”), recommended by Michael Labitzke.

C. Revoke Utility participation in the water line extension for Dr. Eric Cure (CE 10631) on Baseline Road in the amount of $37,999.65 (participation & upgrade), recommended by Michael Labitzke. Applicant was unable to secure necessary easements.

Sewer General Fund
Account #14710028/Administrative Upgrade

D. Approve quote in the amount of $13,212.60 from DLT Solutions for two (2) network licenses of AutoCad Civil 3D 2011 and AutoCad Raster Design 2010, recommended by Matt Arvay and Michael Labitzke. DLT was the only vendor with government rates for these items.


E. Receive Financial Reports for June 2010, presented by James Garrard.

2010 SRF

F. Approve bond closing payments from initial 2010 SRF Loan issuance of $7,120,000, recommended by James Garrard:
EWSU – reimbursement of design costs to American Structurepoint – $649,579
Barnes & Thornburg – bond counsel (agreement app 6/22/10) – $38,500
Umbaugh – accounting & rate analysis (payment app 6/22/10) – $53,950
Bingham McHale, LLP – legal counsel & closing – $6,809

Utility Transition Process

G. Accept report of Malcolm Pirnie relating to the billing and accounting software project, recommended by James Garrard.

5. Miscellaneous Announcements and Information

A. Declare as surplus approximately 6,000 scrap water meters, recommended by Roger Johnson.

B. Approve Request to Advertise for the Sale of approximately 6,000 scrap water meters, recommended by Roger Johnson.

6. Next Scheduled Meeting – August 31 , 2010

7. Adjournment


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