Home Breaking News Just In: AG Hill Faces Disciplinary Charges For Alleged Sexual Misconduct

Just In: AG Hill Faces Disciplinary Charges For Alleged Sexual Misconduct


The complaint says Hill, by virtue of being the elected attorney general, “has a heightened duty of ethical conduct that is long established in Indiana ethics law.” His “ethical violations and offensive conduct reflect poorly on the legal profession and does incalculable harm to the public perception of the Attorney General’s office and all the state agencies it represents.”

For his part, the AG has vehemently denied the allegations, which the commission has interpreted as Hill denying responsibility. The commission also alleges Hill lacks remorse and acted “with the selfish motive to arouse his sexual desires.”

The Disciplinary Commission urged the Indiana Supreme Court to discipline Hill for professional misconduct and to order him to pay the costs of the proceedings. The AG’s Office did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment about the complaint.

Potential discipline could make Hill ineligible to serve. Indiana’s attorney general by statute must have an Indiana bar license status of acting in good standing.