AG Curtis Hill attends White House celebration of National African American History Month


Attorney General Curtis Hill joined President Donald Trump and other leaders on Thursday at a White House reception celebrating National African American History Month.

“The President and Mrs. Trump were gracious hosts,” Attorney General Hill said. “I was grateful to participate in honoring men and women who have worked hard, sacrificed much and endured discrimination in order to provide a better way of life for future generations. Their examples should inspire all of us, whatever our ancestral roots, to conduct our lives with a similar devotion to the greater good.”

In his remarks, President Trump acknowledged “the depth and glory” of African Americans’ impact on U.S. history.

“From the earliest days of this nation, African American leaders, pioneers and visionaries have uplifted and inspired our country in art, in science, literature, law, film, politics, business and every arena of national life,” he said. “Today, we thank God for all of the blessings the African American community continues to give our nation, and we pledge our resolve to expand opportunity for Americans of every race, religion, color and creed.”