Whitman is the VHS’ longest resident. He has spent all of 2019 as the Clinic cat while the VHS team tried to determine the causes of his allergies. He even went to a dermatologist in Louisville, and he lost one of his eyes from the severe scratching & ulceration due to the itching (even with an Elizabethan collar on 24/7.) The verdict was that he will need prescription food & minor oral meds for the rest of his life. It’s a bit more of a monthly expense, but not terrible! (Probably about $150.) Whitman still deserves a home and a family that can care for him. He is well-loved by the VHS team. His adoption fee is only $40 and includes his neuter, microchip, vaccines, and a multitude of medical tests, surgeries, & procedures already done by VHS. Contact Vanderburgh Humane at (812) 426-2563 for adoption details!