Home Community News Acoustic Guitarist Extraordinaire Tommy Emmanuel Comes to the Victory Theatre

Acoustic Guitarist Extraordinaire Tommy Emmanuel Comes to the Victory Theatre



Two-time Grammy nominee Tommy Emmanuel is one of

Australia’s most respected musicians. The legendary guitarist has a professional career that spans almost five decades and continues to intersect with some of the finest musicians throughout the world.

His unique style – he calls it simply “finger style” – is akin to playing guitar the way a pianist plays piano, using all ten fingers. Rather than using a whole band for melody, rhythm, bass, and drum parts, Tommy plays all that – and more – on one guitar. Guitar legend Chet Atkins was one of the first to inspire Emmanuel to try this “fingerpicker” style as a child. Decades later, Atkins himself became one of Emmanuel’s biggest fans. Atkins later honored Emmanuel with the title of “Certified Guitar Player” for his contribution to Finger style guitar, a rare distinction shared by only three other people in the world.

Tommy’s latest US release, a solo studio double album, lIttle By lIttle was released February 15, 2011.

It presents 24 songs showcasing his brilliant and distinctive

“finger style” playing, and features collaborations with guest players including Rick Price, Anthony Snape, Victor Wooten, Doyle Dykes, Dr. John Knowles (CGP), and Pam Rose.

The Knoxville News Sentinel’s Wayne Bledsoe raved, “Emmanuel’s playing, compositions and covers are all gorgeous…he never fails to deliver…For those who aren’t familiar with Emmanuel, he is one of the world’s most astounding guitarists to ever perform on a stage. In live performance, he is a marvel of speed, inventiveness and showmanship.”

Tommy was also honored with Guitar Player Magazine’s most prestigious annual Guitar Legend award in 2009, as well as being named Thumbpicker of the Year for the second time. Most recently, Guitar Player’s 2011 Readers Choice awards named him Best Acoustic Guitarist for the third time.

This show is sure to dazzle longtime Emmanuel fans and newcomers alike.

For Immediate Release

tIckets on sale 10 am FRIDay , J une 21 st

tommy emmanuel

FRIDay, sePt. 20 | VIctoRy tHeatRe | eVansVIlle, In

Doors 7pm / Show Time 8pm

Tickets On Sale Friday, June 21st at 10am at The Ford Center box office

& all Ticketmaster locations, ticketmaster.com or by phone at 800-745-3000

TICKET PRICES: $39.50 | $35 | $29.50 plus applicable fees & taxes (all seats reserved)