Absentee ballots cast in the 2011 City of Evansville elections have already reached a total that in over one-third of all of the votes cast period in the 2007 election. The counts registered thus far by ward are as follows:
Ward 1: 1,716
Ward 2: 763
Ward 3: 688
Ward 4: 821
Ward 5: 1,855
Ward 6: 849
Ward One: 1,338 – Fourth Ward: 695 = OH OH!!
Ward Five: 1,518 – Sixth Ward: 631 = DOUBLE OH OH!!!
Updated data shows 5th Ward running ahead of 1st Ward in early voting – WOW!!!
1st Ward: 1716, 4th Ward 821. That’s over 2 to 1 ratio with 4th Ward lagging behind farther than previous report. Oh oh.
5th Ward 1855, 6th Ward 849. Again we see a Republican ward out-voting a Democrat ward greater than 2 to 1, with the Republican ward pulling even farther ahead early.
Truth is, in this squirrely political environment, who can tell what it all means?
Too bad there’s no one out there doing early exit polling.
Why doesn’t the Courier ever run polls anymore?
Lord knows they don’t spend any money on investigative reporting.
Serious question.
You’re on the inside, so you may know the answer to this.
How much of this early voting is because of chaning voter behavior (i.e., vote centers, etc.), and how much is due to the work of Louise and her team?
Considering your 2006 connection to one of the questions you ask, I suggest you ask the question directly to the person.
As to your other question, I don’t have solid, inside information as to the effects of changing libraries-and-election-office-only early voting to voting centers also included. I doubt anyone has a firm grip on that either.
My prediction is that the weather between right now and 6:00 p.m. Tuesday will have a huge effect on voter turnout with regard to certain demographics.
Sorry Veracity, I don’t have any connections.
I’m just a lowly outsider who happens to hear a lot of chatter.
Ward One! Louise teaching the GOP to cheat!
5th Ward too. Ya can’t spell Weasel without Weasie. Close the cemetaries, Weasie will be gettin them dead folks to vote tonight.
Hey even the dead hate Rick Davis. Zombies have rights too
Sue, they already know how to cheat with out her help
She learned from the “best”. Of course, she went by Alice Williams back then. Guess that is where Jarvis learned the change the names around trick.
The evil, infamous Machine that rules Evansville today, but was unknown for seven years and nine months of the Whiney-Zapple administration, is alive and well in the fevered, paranoid minds of Tricky Ricky’s minions.
It’s time to face facts: Ever since King Barry was elected Messiah and President, Republicans and Democrats have been voting for Republicans in record numbers to keep the United States from becoming a totalitarian regime in which our mulatto dictator goose-steps all over the Bill of Rights, and destroys our democratic republic with executive orders. This election is nothing more than phase two of saving this country from despotism.
With conspiracy theories like that, sounds like you fit the bill for Rick’s chief of staff!
Where have you been if you think this “machine” is a new idea? Head in the sand up until the past few months?
Project much?
Am advocating for early voting:
We can’t rule out inclement weather on the 8th.
Here’s a link to Susie Kirk’s video instructions on early voting. Please vote. …
This is no big deal . . . I don’t even live in a Ward, so I had to vote for a Beaver . . . since June has passed . . . Clever or Cleaver, you decide . . .
Kick the machine to the curb in this election. Don’t wait for the state democratic party to slap them down for you.
I am done with all you negative people.
Can someone explain the chain of custody on the recording devices in these machines? How are they secured on a daily basis? Who watches this process, and who is legally responsible for their security?
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