Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? September 12, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE? September 12, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? September 12, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that the new and beautiful entrance to the Evansville Zoo has a made by the government albatross hanging around its neck in the beauty department?…that Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville recently cited the Evansville Zoo as his preferred attraction to bring tourists to Evansville?…that just around the corner from the Zoo that the first thing you see is grass that is 5 feet tall, a highway size barricade, and rusty heavy equipment?…that with all of the improvements that have been made at the Zoo recently that one would think that the next step would be taken to get rid of ugliness and eyesores that give a bad impression of the entrance?…that given the state of our parks under this administration that we are not the least bit surprised?

IS IT TRUE that we are hearing that VenuWorks says that the online resellers do not have the tickets that they are openly offering to sell online?…that we suspect that VenuWorks is technically truthful and that the paper tickets will be distributed after the general sales begin?…that people who have commitments to get tickets have most likely listed these tickets and will sell them at a profit?…that it has been said that “artists use lies to tell the truth, but politicians use the truth to tell lies”?

IS IT TRUE that Google has just completed a $273 Million data center that could have been just about anywhere in the world in a remote village in Finland?…that the two driving forces in the decision to choose Finland were the cold climate and the low cost of electricity?…that the only reason that the cold climate is viewed favorably is because the coldness minimizes the need to run the air conditioning to cool down the servers that are big consumers of electricity?…that the cost for electricity in Finland is 6.95 cents per kWh or roughly half of what it is right here in Evansville, IN?…that Henderson is still cheaper than Finland but as we have all been told when they implement EPA regulations their price could increase dramatically?…that it is widely rumored that Facebook is planning to install a similar facility in Finland to the tune of over $500 Million?

IS IT TRUE that data centers like these are the basic units required to compete in the growing field of Cloud Computing?…that for Evansville and the United States of America to be on a collision course with being uncompetitive in this new and leading edge technology is a very poor situation?…that to the extent that the drivers of being uncompetitive in a growing vital technology is sourced within government that this is poor public policy?…that as much as the ability to make weapons, vital products, and food is in our national interests, it is also in our national interest to be able to store and process our own data and the programs that process it?…that we wonder what good the internet is if we cannot afford to access it because of government policies?…that this whole mess reminds us of the Dr. Suess poem about the Hotch Hotchers and the Bee?…that in the entire community the only work was done by the Bee and that many layers of bureaucracy were employed to watch the Bee work?…that the house of cards fell and real life examples of such lunacy seem to be falling apart too?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville has been treated to another meth related fire followed by multiple arrests yesterday?…that 1672 South Kerth Avenue went boom last night due to a reaction gone bad?…that we are certain that the pseudoephedrine that was used in the reaction was acquired legally at some local drug store with over the counter availability?…that we wonder if the gun that was found at the scene was also gotten by legal means?


  1. Wow Finland is a Socialist country with universal health care! The people are highly educated and speak several languages! Go figure!

  2. As always, somebody has to pay for it!

    In 2011 the income tax rate (national tax) for an individual is between 6.5%-30%. In addition to direct taxation there is also municipal tax in Finland. This tax is payable by an individual on his or her income and it fluctuates between 15% – 20% depending on the municipal authority. Church tax of 1%- 2% is also payable.

    In most cases, VAT is 23%%, increased from the previous 22% rate.

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