Owner Penny Lane Coffeehouse, News 4U & Social Life Marketing

The City-County Observer is pleased to announce the addition of an awards ceremony called “Community Service Award”. The “ Community Service Award” will honor individuals that have gone above and beyond the call of duty to achieve remarkable things in our community. This years winners have done immeasurable charitable acts to assist non-profits entities, created economic growth and enhanced the employability opportunities for people in our community. Our 1st Annual CCO “Community Service Awards” recognition luncheon will honor eight (8) local “Community Achiever’s” under the age of 45 years old. They are recognized for the various ways that they have given back to the Greater Evansville Area.

The City-County Observer applauds the efforts of individuals based on their professional, political and philanthropic contributions in the Tri-State Area. Our selection committie reviewed a 113 candidates list to be consider for the eight (8) “Community Service Awards”. Our eight winners will be acknowledged during a recognition luncheon on Monday, June 8, 2015 at Tropicana Casino inside the Walnut Room at the Executive Center.

Today we are honoring BRIAN BENNETT Owner Penny Lane Coffeehouse, News 4U & Social Life Marketing the third CCO “Community Service Award” trailblazer who are self-made successful leaders that have provided positive things to our community.

Brian Bennett owner Penny Lane Coffeehouse, News 4U & Social Life Marketing is a man on the go.Whether it’s 2 coffee shops, a social media company with locations around the country or one of four magazines, this entrepreneur has made his mark on the area. As the owner of Penny Lane Coffeehouse, Social Life Marketing and Evansville Media Group (including News 4U and Tri-State Bride ) Bennett has the uncanny ability to sway public opinion, social choices by his peers and of course, influence everyone to drink great coffee.

When he’s not running one of his four businesses Brian loves spending time with his kids, Jasmine ( 12 ), Sean ( 10 ) and Juliette ( 2 ), hiking, hunting and fishing, traveling and supporting local businesses. Rather than focus on what he’s done in the business world, when asked, Bennett likes to focus on what he’s done as a father, “As tough as it gets doing this and that for all the businesses, I still make sure I coach my son’s teams when asked, drive my kids to school every morning, attend almost every game, program and occasionally a school lunch. To me time is more valuable than money and I always put my kiddos before business.”

He has donated hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to multiple charities and organizations around the Tri-State from cMoe to 911 Gives Hope, the Humane Society, Holly’s House, March of Dimes and one of his new favorites the Haynie’s Corner Arts District Association. Bennett says, “I’ve been blessed beyond what I could have ever imagined and try to give as much back as possible. A lot of people don’t realize I spend a little over 400 hours a year working for charities and organizations free of charge and that means something to me to be able to do that and give back.”

Bennett hasn’t just made his mark in business locally but on a national level as well. Besides clients from California to Rhode Island, he’s licensed out Social Life Marketing offices in Little Rock, Fayetteville, Providence, Nashville, Lousiville, Tampa Bay, Jacksonville, Cincinnati and is currently working opening his 9th location in Orlando this summer. He’s done social media for the Tampa Bay Buccaneer’s Gerald McCoy, former NBA and NCAA greats like Derrick Anderson and Walter McCarty, Golf Channel host Lisa Cornwell and is currently working on a marketing campaign for rapper Mike Jones.


  1. Sounds like Larry Akin reborn or something. Kids first… there is a IN license plate that has that on it …

    Congratuations on winning the award

    I wish I had ten dollars for every hour of volunteer work that I did in the past. Volunteers do it for the joy of helping others. Some times that’s reward enough.

    Ironically I drove by the Penny Lane Coffee Shop the other day and saw two old guys sitting outside the place on the corner enjoying the nice weather. I didn’t even know where that place was until last Friday. Never had much need to drive though that area of town. Years ago I do remember an Ice Cream place in the Haynes Corner area that we use to go to. And my first Childhood doctor has his office in that location years ago. We moved out of that area back in the late 1950’s and never looked back. My old neighbor hood is run down and not very pretty anymore. The houses are 60+ years older than when I lived there.

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