Home Community News Board Appoints in City of Evansville Public Boards

Board Appoints in City of Evansville Public Boards


Mole #22 has provided the City County Observer with a list of all of the Public Boards with their appointed members. This list is current as of December 31, 2010 so some names may have changed since then but the source of the appointments has not.

There are 26 board seats that depend upon continued employment of the board member by the City of Evansville. The Mayor of Evansville is listed as the man who has appointed 191 of these board members leaving the other 58 for all other appointing government entities including the Evansville City Council combined.

Please peruse the list on the link below at your own pleasure.

Cit of Evansville Appointments and Commissions


    • Beerguy,

      It’s a MS Word document (.docx) which would require MS Word or a third party reader to open it.

      • blanger, I have MS Word, wouldn’t open. I brought people in off the street, asked them if they had been to two prior parties and were literate, they said YES !, and the darn attachment still won’t open.

        • LOL….You must have an older version of MS Word, since it is a .docx file I believe you need Office 2k7 or newer to open it, but I’m just gussin’ on that one.

          • Opened it with office 2003. Did notice that a lot of mayoral appoints to what some might consider the more influential boards are fairly recent and will run until 2014, which will take the appointees deep into the new administration.

            Some of the boards and commissions are:

            Zoning Appeals

            Urban Enterprise Association

            Evansville Redevelopment Authority

            Evansville Port Authority

            Parks & Recreation Board

            Housing Authority Board

            Economic Development Commission

            Airport Authority

            Health Board

            Tree Advisory Board


            My question is: When the new mayor takes office, is there any obligation on his part to keep these people to the end of their appointed terms?


  1. The Park Board is listed in two different categories and also has only 3 of the five members listed. Explain please.

  2. Question…..

    Why is it the dog catchers (animal control), two of the EPA personal (inspectors), and the arborist listed as board members working at the pleasure of the mayor and not just regular city employees?

    • Becasue this is more of the VENDETTA by the COO – producing lie after lie, leaving out facts and bending the truth to make the Administration look bad.

      I have the latest version of MS Office – and it does not open.

      This is another lie by the sneaky dishonest COO staff.

      • If you send us your email we will send the file directly to you for your examination as we did to the other poster who was having problems with the doc.x file. Sir numbers do not lie. The counts were done twice and were accurate. If you think that having 70% of the 275 appointments in the control of the Mayor makes him look bad that is your decision to do so. It is not a lie it is not a bend it is simple statistics. 191/275 = 69.45%.

        • Press, wow, I’m surprised 8-year-old software could open that pesky file. Wie Gates.

      • Sounds like you are trying to open the link this with either a garage door opener or an IBM selectric typewriter. User error is the likely suspect. PS Are you a member of the ERC??

        • Joe, I attached a copper wire to my computer, the other end to a Folgers coffee can, and pointed it at the Arena. Document opened immediately. There seems to be a force emanating from the Arena which is bigger than all of us . . . may the force be with you, JoeBiden !

      • Booo-Hooo, the City County Observer doesn’t suck up to my hero the mayor. Waaa-waa-waa!

  3. Somebody should convert to PDF. I’d do it, but I don’t know how to upload it to the site.

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