Take That: August 3, 2011


Take That: August 3, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: Arena Premium Seating Analysis

“”EVANSVILLE, WHERE ARE YOU?” Just how close to the ankles, do the britches of the ERC have to drop before the citizenry stands up and proclaims, “NO MORE!” Demand the resignation of the ERC; rescind their decisions/contracts; offer premium/preferred seating to the taxpaying public. …” Bubbageek

“The Weinzapfel Administration continues “have it’s way” with the citizenry with impunity———–apparently. There will be NO CIVILITY shown these thugs and or their concubines in the Premiumn seats, if we meet in public, you can be sure!!” crashlarue

“Given this piece of information on the handling and timing of the sale of the “premium seating” one would expect our elected officials to be at the ERC meeting, armed to the teeth, demanding an explanation, then demanding the dissolution of the ERC, and the resignation of the Mayor.” Wsaa2009

“I questioned Kish about the sky-boxes at the end of the July 19th ERC meeting. He said they first contacted the current holders of sky-boxes at Roberts Stadium. One would assume that those contracts needed to be honored, although you would think a price increase might be in order.
Kish then said that they used a list or lists of former sky-box holders to offer the remaining boxes. At that time, July 19th, he said they still had one box left. I asked for a ball park figure on the boxes and he offered $55.K for the full monty (tickets to all the concerts, etc., and $35K without the concert tickets.
This was a straight 1 on 1 conversation and I have not sought any documentation to affirm his statements, but believe they are probably accurate.”

“The Mayor’s responds on May 25 at 7:49 pm of “Congrats!” in reply to the May 25 at 5:30 pm e-mail from VenueWorks that all suites are sold out at list price and all cash no trade (see last page of FOI production). However, the form Suiteholder Agreement shows on bottom left a “Revised 4/27/11″ date and the Lodge Seat Holder Agreements on bottom left show a “Revised 5/24/11″ date. How can they have forms revised May 24 and have all Lodge Seats sold out for cash the next day?? The City should produce all of the signed contracts for both Suites and Lodge Seats.” Joe Biden

“Anybody find it interesting that the ERC authority was not granted to VenuWorks until AFTER the FOIA was filed?” Bowhunter72

“What agency is responsible for watching over this like this and making the judgement of criminal or not? Whatever it entity that is, it’s not on the job.” Big Pappa

In Repsonse to: Councilman Friend Questions Civic Center IT Practices

“That is exactly what these knuckleheads are doing and they have been doing it for years. They force public construction projects to pay prevailing wages that are typically about double what the real prevailing wage is in Evansville. At the same time they set salaries that won’t even allow them to hire new grads in fields like computer science and information technology.
Brain drain??? It is not a drain, the local officials practically take a stick and drive talented people away with their antiquated way of doing business. And yes, the Evansville leadership and especially democrats promote overpaying for union jobs and then get donations (kickbacks) from both the unions and the construction company owners.

As they say in the CCO, this is Snegal (sneaky but legal). This practice also causes the people of Evansville to overpay for public projects by 50% or more. Witness the $240k Front Door Pride houses that sell for $100,000 or sit empty, the plans to spend $240,000 on apartments that are worth only $20,000, and that darn Arena that could have been built for at least $30 Million less without the restrictions on who could do the work and what they had to pay. And we wonder why smart people leave and fools are left with staggering debts.” TheDonald

“Nobody doubts that there are underpaid, overworked people in this community… the salary analysis proves it. The question is, in the big scheme of things, is our government actively squeezing professional staff/salaries while flushing the unions… actively fighting the tide of the times, all while complaining about brain drain, too? How long will they be allowed to have it both ways?” Eville Taxpayer