Could’a Been, Would’a Been, and Should’a Been


The Fruits of Local Governance that chooses Headlines over Reality

Excerpts from the 2007 Article Announcing the McCurdy Deal:

“The Redevelopment Commission is expected today to approve a development agreement with Indianapolis-based Kosene-Hilliard-Kosene, which, since 2003, has developed at least six major residential projects in Indianapolis. The agreement includes an incentive package potentially worth more than $1 million.”

“Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel, who announced the McCurdy deal with Kosene officials, said it amounted to “the keystone of our residential efforts in Downtown Evansville.”

“Stephen Scott, Kosene president, said the firm selected Evansville because of strong city leadership and community leaders “who through the Redevelopment Commission have taken some steps already to revitalize the Downtown. Asked about possible completion of the project, Scott replied, “People will recognize the McCurdy as a new Downtown destination by the end of’ ’08.”


  1. Don’t you see the pattern? The city slickers from the big city (Indy) come down here and fill up their bags with cash, have a big laugh and head back North.

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