IS IT TRUE? Part 2 May 28, 2011 Luck and Liposuction Governance


Plastic Surgery Does Not Work for Cities Either

IS IT TRUE? Part 2 May 28, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the month of May has been a tough month on the City of Evansville?…that during the month of May that it has become widely known that we have been awarded the distinction of “the most obese city in America”?…that during the month of May we were fingered by the FBI for a 14.1% increase in violent crime?…that to add injury to insult that the Blue Angels through no fault of anyone from Evansville had an unexpected management change that resulted in the cancellation of their much anticipated appearance at the upcoming Shriner’s Fest?…that Evansville during the month of May could easily be called “the city that can’t catch a break”, or even “bad luck city”?

IS IT TRUE that lifestyle, accomplishment, and prosperity is not really about luck or what others can do for you?…that amidst all of this externally driven “bad luck” that some Evansville people and organizations were out there manufacturing their own “good luck”?…that under the leadership of Ann Ennis at Keep Evansville Beautiful that the fund raising effort to refurbish the fountain at Garvin Park was a solid locally driven success?…that this is a prime example of Evansville helping Evansville to be a better place and an accomplishment that benefits us all?…that not a dime of government money was needed to do this?

IS IT TRUE that the primary of 2011 is another place where the people of Evansville started the process of making their own luck?…that the groundwork for electing a balanced and deliberative City Council has been put into place with the victories of candidates for City Council that are not under the thumb of any quasi control group?…that if there was really an infamous “machine” in Evansville politics that it took at punch in the nose during the primary on May 3rd?…that the victorious candidates of both parties are proof that Evansville people can mobilize and make something different happen?

IS IT TRUE that several other self made successes that were not dependent on outside help or validation occurred during “bad luck month” as well?…that the grass at the McCurdy was mowed and that the Director of DMD was on TV talking about how “equal enforcement” of local ordinances is the rule of the day with his department?…that this has not been the perception for some time and that maybe the McCurdy rat, snake, goat, and pigeon tutorial will level the playing field going forward?…that the Audubon Apartments are now open for occupancy after a couple of decades of emptiness?…that this is a great example of Evansville Elevating Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that when Evansville Elevates Evansville it always seems to work out for the best?…that this rule is somewhat universal?…that the cities of America that help themselves always seem to rise to the top and those that stick their paw out for a handout never seen to catch a break?…that this rule works for people, groups of people, and formal organizations of people?…that to truly prosper and elevate the “quality of life” in Evansville that we need to ask ourselves what can we do ourselves to improve this city?

IS IT TRUE that “self improvement” is the theme that should dominate the City of Evansville elections in 2011?…that the candidates that can help or inspire the people of Evansville to help themselves are the ones that should be elected?…that as this campaign progresses that candidates who say that they will get “BIG BROTHER” to come into Evansville from the outside to rescue us from the dilemmas that were “Made in Evansville” should be viewed with skepticism?…that the candidates that present ideas and detail plans to utilize Evansville talent to solve Evansville problems are those that are worthy of support?

IS IT TRUE that our distinction as “America’s fattest city” might make us want liposuction but that what we really need is a nutritious diet and an exercise plan?…that the outside intervention of liposuction is certainly the easy path to instant gratification but that a healthy lifestyle is the only real sustainable answer?…that LIPOSUCTION GOVERNANCE that is dominated by outside money and outside control is no different?…that Evansville needs to reject the temptation to seek the easy short term solutions and support sustainable local governance that creates an atmosphere in which everyday people can flourish?