IS IT TRUE? May 15, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 15, 2011

IS IT TRUE that on April 29, 2011 that the City County Observer was the first to publish a Gallup Survey that awarded the Evansville MSA the distinction of being the most obese MSA in America?…finally today 16 days after this survey was released that the Evansville Courier and Press has decided that this distinction is worthy of publication?…that being singled out as the most obese MSA (metropolitan statistical area) is really some pretty bad news from an economic development perspective?…that such a distinction tells outsiders who may be considering moving a business to this area some things about our workforce?…that what it tells them is that our workforce will take more sick days than less obese places, will cost more provide health insurance for, will move a bit slower on the job, and will pass away at an earlier age?…that none of these things are viewed as positive by potential employers?

IS IT TRUE that the broad statistic of 37.8% of our population is obese does not apply to any individual?…that there are some people who are technically obese (Body Mass Index > 30) that are quite healthy, full of energy, and are very productive?…that when it comes to the herd that statistics do not lie?…that taking a sample of 10,000 people with a BMI of over 30 and comparing it to a sample of 10,000 people with a BMI of 20 will be quite accurate in predicting sick days, insurance premiums, and energy level 100% of the time?…that Evansville will be judged by this distinction for the foreseeable future?…that if this distinction is not overcome by exercise, healthy eating, and living an active lifestyle that this could become a permanent situation?…that Evansville did not just lead this infamous statistic, but we were first by a wide (no pun intended) margin?

IS IT TRUE that when you combine this distinction with being the suicide leader, the much publicized problems like litter, ugliness, park degradation, and low educational attainment that this picture is not very pretty?…that the other side of this coin is that 62.8% of us are not obese?…that there are larger numbers of motivated healthy people who choose to call Evansville home?…that the 37.8% who seem to have defined us as the cellulite capital of America need to take this as an intervention and do something about this?…that there are plenty of good examples around to follow?…that the negative attributes of the first sentence are all indicators of low self esteem, lack of pride, and an unwillingness to better ones self?…that some type of mass encouragement needs to be followed to right this wrong?

IS IT TRUE that just this week a person was observed planting flowers in a public area?…that several people are now being observed picking up litter of their own free will?…that these are positive steps and that the obesity problem can be solved the same way through the same efforts?…that resolving to do something positive like picking up litter or planting a flower in public will also burn off calories?…that the City County Observer encourages all of the people of Evansville to better themselves and our community through activity, awareness, and pride?…that if we do this for 5 years that we will lose this dubious distinction and that many of our other maladies will vaporize as well?…that civic pride often starts with personal self esteem?

Link to the full study:


  1. All these negative stories about Evansville, and seeing the condition of Evanspatch my own self day to day, …I want to move away. Far away.

  2. 16 days… that’s pretty lazy.

    Isn’t it true that a lack of dicipline that can lead to obesity often begins with a lack of diciplined thought?

    I beg to differ with the “mass encouragement” idea – just like the CCO advocacy of smoking bans. Nobody ever got up to exercise because the government forced them to.

  3. I think the CCO should present one citizen with an award each year recognizing his or her efforts to effectively address the obesity problem. May I nominate Democrat Party Chairman Mark Owen for the first annual award, for his 2010 removal of the Central Committee Fall Festival Booth. And I challenge Wayne Park to follow Mr. Owen’s lead in fight against obesity!

    • I second the nomination for Mr Owen, and would add his cancellation of the Awards dinner as an effort to slim down the Democratic party.

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