IS IT TRUE? February 23, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 23, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it has been reported that some yard signs expressing support for Patrick McBride’s campaign for the Democratic nomination for 2nd Ward City Councilman have been taken from people’s yards like a thief in the night?…that it is actually a crime to “steal” campaign yard signs?…that the City County Observer is quite familiar with Evansville City Councilwoman Missy Mosby, Mr. McBride’s primary opponent?…that we know Missy to be a tough but honest competitor who would not ever steal or condone the stealing of yard signs?…that we encourage honest dialog, clear expression of differences, and fairness in all of the campaigns?…that we hope never to read the following excerpt from Seattle to be published in Evansville?

“The 43-year-old man suspected of swiping the signs was not arrested at the time, but he is expected to face charges of removing or defacing political advertising, a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or 90 days in jail for each count.”

Let’s keep it clean folks.

IS IT TRUE that perhaps something much worse than swiping a yard sign or two is being carried out against Fred Cook who has filed for the Democratic nomination for City Council from the 4th Ward?…that Mr. Cook who is also affectionately known as “the Mayor of Goosetown” has had a formal complaint made that alleges that he is not eligible to run for office?…that this complaint has been filed by one Anthony Bushrod?…that Fred Cook did a dumb thing and committed a crime at the age of 17?…that he did his time and has gone on to live an honorable life free of crime?…that the charge was expunged from his record in Vigo County, Indiana?…that the spirit of the Indiana code which governs such things would make Mr. Cook eligible to run?…that the entire basis for the complaint is that the word “expungement” is not explicitly in the code?…that Mr. Cook should be given every consideration to be allowed to run as he has been reformed, cares about his Ward and the people in it, and has voluntarily thrown his hat into the ring?

IS IT TRUE that nearly all of the Democratic members of the Indiana House of Representative have followed the lead of their comrades from Wisconsin and refused to show up for a vote regarding whether or not Indiana will become a “Right to Work” state?…that like it or not it is their job to show up for work each day and to cast their vote in the way that best serves the people of their district?…that playing hooky from school can get you suspended and even have a truant officer to come looking for you?…that willfully refusing to show up for your job usually results in losing your job?…that for senior elected officials to refuse to go to work because they are expecting to have an outcome that they do not prefer sends a message if irresponsibility to our children and to the workforce of this state?…that going to work when things are tough and doing what is expected is what leaders do?…that we as taxpayers expect our elected officials to be leaders and to show up for work?…that if a NO vote is what these officials believe is right then they should not only vote NO they should be vocal about it?…that refusing to vote is not what made America a great country?…that the City County Observer has not endorsed or opposed the bill regarding “Right to Work”?…that is our elected representatives job and we expect them to do it?…that a wise person once said “you don’t have to like your job, but you do have to do it”?…Just Do It!!


  1. I agree that the Democrat legislators should return to chamber and begin attaching one after another amendments to reduce legislators’ pay to minimum wage, and reduce all other benefits to zero. And I mean attach one amendment after another to each and every bill introduced by Republican legislators tthat would gut our public school system or destroy workers’ rights to collective bargaining and prevailing wages.

  2. Frankly both sides are very unproductive and immature. Could we please move beyond the extremes of hard left and hard right wing politics? Could we stop trying to “win for the party”? I don’t care what party you represent. If you are not an intelligent, considered, independent thinker who is not pushed around by the whim of the week, then for me, you have no credibility. And I have seen no action from anyone from the Evansville area that would make me support his/her positions so far in this whole session. From guns to Planned Parenthood to leaving the state, these folks have shown that they have no idea what their job is. Their priorities are misplaced. And sadly it is a long way to the next election.

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