Take That: February 11, 2011


The Most Poignant Readers Comments of the Week

In Response to: “An Open Letter to the Water and Sewer Utility Board Members from a Fellow Board Member”

“While residing within the City, I must concede to the undeniable truth of Mr Hatfield’s contentions. What’s right is right. Equalize the rates. …” Bubbageek

“Damn straight! The city needs $500 million for combo sewer improvements over 20 years and the country residents are expected to pay a 38% premium?” Mole 411

“Bottom line is neither the water & sewer utility nor the city council can mathematically justify the rate differential. They’ve been asked to, and have failed to provide actual justification.” Soon2B

In Response to “LA Abolishes Practice of Elected Officials Getting Free Tickets to Events”

“Geez, taking away all the freebies from politicians is really harsh:-) Poor babies might have to take on a second job, like many of their constituents, or even, gasp, sit in bleacher seats! That is ‘scrimination! How will you ever get anyone to spend a million bucks to get elected to a 4 year office that pays $125,000 @ year if you exclude them from all the graft?” Magic Man

In Response to: “Dan Effinger asks Mayor to Define Atrocious Maintenance”

“Is a drug needle in a public sand box, atrocious?” Eville Taxpayer

“as a longtime Vectren employee, I can promise you that the bathrooms don’t always work and we don’t dare drink the water, tests have turned up ecoli lately” vvc1

“It’s hard to find a clean park that is well-kept. The best one around is at the 4-H Center and I think it is maintained by 4-H. We definitely need to upgrade and maintain our parks for the families of this community. Overall, they are a disaster. “ Helen Perkins