IS IT TRUE October 15, 2014 Part 2


IS IT TRUE that the CCO is pleased to present our readers with the overview of the changes in assessments and tax collections in Vanderburgh County from 2013 to 2014?…this is the official overview from the Legislative Services Agency of the Office of Fiscal and Management Analysis of the State of Indiana?…it looks like the Assessor’s Office really did raise our taxes through the assessment process?…we invite further analysis from our readers?



  1. Could someone e-mail Rusty and the Lloydster, and point out to them they can’t get their grubby mitts on an assessment, only on the actual increase in tax bills. So sorry, Spenders, it’s just 1.1 %, not the stated 4.1 %.

    Bottom line, you can only pay for goods and services with MONEY (taxes received), not with property assessments.

  2. Does anybody really pay attention to that Newsmax bozo? We still read’em objectively as centrists, but some of it gets pretty sketchy on analytical facts.
    It usually has little value to any viable solutions, those usually take more work.


  3. Why do rabid extremist insist on labelling themselves Centrist?

    Must be to impart credibility to their positions.

    Does it work?

    Nope !

    • Because we don’t grant any weight or credibility to extreme left, or right social economic illusions, so we remain on the mean tipping point. Its takes wackos such as you fiend that tip us left when the need is clearly to balance things for some credible solutions. Yep! And, that’s another click weighed in to the left side of the scale.

  4. 2010 &2014 Percentage of where it went.

    County 40% 34.8%
    Township 5% 3.7%
    School District 35.2% 43.3%
    City 7.2% 5.6%
    Library 10.8% 9.8%
    Special District 1.5% 2.6%

    No data for city resident’s “city taxes”

    Out here we pay ditch assessment for rain runoff based per acre.

    City pays there rain runoff thru there water/sewer bill. Keep this in mine that 10 residential homes on a city block will be paying for rain run off. The next block over could be a parking lot only. Guess what, they have no sewer/water bill so that owner pays nothing for run off. Scott free!!!!!!! Is this fair?????

    • Run off does not have any human waste in it. So why should they pay for rain water drainage that does not need secondary treatment? It only adds to the dilution of the effluent and not the contamination. That the way it is and it’s fair IMHO.

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