Montrastelle defeats Swaim


In a primary that was cordial and seen by many as a win-win John Montrastelle defeated incumbent Pete Swaim by a total of  1,013 to 822 for a 10 point margin of victory.

Both candidates ran clean campaigns for the Republican nomination for County Council and conducted themselves as gentlemen during the entire campaign.


  1. Both Pete Swaim and John Montrastelle were at Washington Square Mall vote center this morning. Both were very nice and it is a shame that either had to lose. They are both super guys and wish both the very best.

  2. This was the only bad news of the night and proof that there is still a lot of work to do to change the way things are done here. I’m not going to let this joke of a race affect Bruce’s historical victory but it is a disgrace.

  3. I sure hope Mr. Montrastelle learns to make better money decisions than to spend approx. $18 million on ball fields as he did with the ECVB. Of course the ECVB “didnt spend the people’s money”!! Ha!! A certain former mayor lobbied the state to increase Vanderburgh county’s innkeeper’s tax making it the highest in the state so that ball fields could be put in on Roberts grounds. Funny how all that tax increasing took place before any ball fields were approved or before the whole wrangle about Roberts being razed took place. Did anyone stop to think that raising the innkeepers tax might effect the tourism possibilities or that local people do use the motels? I am no fan of the ECVB so I hope that Mr. M. shapes up fast.

  4. Swaim got his campaign off on the wrong foot by initially declining to appear on the “Mole TV” program, and lost the opportunity to hammer Mostrastelle on the obscene money being spent on the ball field fiasco, add in the millstones around his neck of Abell, and Parke, and you get the results,–defeat.

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