What’s he done that’s illegal? Why isn’t he in jail or being impeached? Must be a lot of lawlessness since you say it ‘continues’.
If I have to explain then you have drank to much of the Kool-Aid. But I will explain by this; part of the the Presidential oath is to *uphold the law*. It does not say he has the luxury of deciding which law or part of a law, it says *the law*. If you need more than that then I can only say you are trolling. By rule of law which is a founding principle of our country, if Obama wants part of the ACA changed that action has to be started in the House of Representatives.
As for not being impeached, he (Obama) has the same luxury as Roosevelt, much of Congress supported his lawlessness or did not have the balls to call the President to the carpet.
If you really understood the Constitution you would understand that document *is* the law of the land.
We the Teajerks of America pledge allegiance to the 1% and to the oligarchy for which they stand, 50 nations under conservative white male rule with Theocratic Christian governance, partiality for gun owners, worldwide hegemony and state suppression for all, except us.
We the teajerks of American do flippantly swear that we will faithfully execute all the laws that favor rich white conservative males and will support and abide by the constitution except for Roe v Wade and all the other SCOTUS cases we disagree with, so help us republican Jesbus.
I really expected a more coherent response than one loaded with derogatory remarks. But that’s what I get to think you had more brains than your moniker tries to imply.
Jeez, BB, is that all you got? If so, you need to go out and play until Mom calls you to supper.
I understand the constitution very well. You seem to have a child’s take on it. You didn’t answer my question.
You just made it up about Obama, your president, doing illegal things. You shouldn’t do that. As I knew, nothing whatsoever to back up your empty charges.
Let me know if somebody feeds you something else that sounds good. Something else you’d very publicly and foolishly parrot for the truth.
The reason why he isn’t impeached is because the Senate is run by Dems. Wait to this November. And evem them, it os not likely to happen, but stuff like this will end. Anyway it is not really in the interest of the Republican House to do anything, even if Republicans control all of Congress after this November, as Obama is already a lame duck that is going to be a gift like Jimmy Carter was to the Republicans. This will take care of itself in a few months.
“… if Obama wants part of the ACA changed that action has to be started in the House of Representatives.”
Not so much. Hardship exemptions are allowed for in the original law. It is the same type of exemption that was part of Romneycare for the first couple of years it was in effect.
I just love all of the impeachment talk that can only speak in generalities as seen through the eyes of the Righteous Right.
Your right. So at this rate or rather this point *who* doesn’t have an exemption, I think Obama has pretty much “temporarily” gutted this law. But that’s what happens when everyone wants whats in the mystery box (not reviewing the law before enactment) and finding nothing but a white elephant. If burdensome is the primary cause of exemptions what could possibly make anyone think that two years or whatever Obama extends next will make it any less so? Nothing. So I think of those that say these exemptions are nothing more than for political reasons are right.
Not enforcing a law for 5 years is allowed..try that with any civil rights law!!
Hangnails are not hardships.
Don’t bank on Obamacare’ s failure until he’s long out of office & almost irreparable damages have occurred.
Obama has proved he will change any law necessary, thwart any means necessary so Obamacare stays in place in his hopes of ruining our great nation.
We can handle this-though we shouldn’t have to- but we’ll make it through.
I pray we have real leadership when the next liberal is elected because of all the illegals being allowed to vote w/o identification.
I REALLY pray that we right the wrongs before our nation is so weak & powerless that we get taken over by another nation.
Our forefathers & foremothers did not fight so many wars / conflicts for our freedom to have everything given away because a bunch of idiots elected an even bigger idiot.
I figured even the Old Testament Constitution loving Tea People would be all right with Obama changing the ACA as long as he didn’t change more than three fifths of it.
I need to stop figuring when it comes to thems people……..
You have to laugh at these rotten mom’s basement-dwelling liberals. These were the very same people who assured us that their god-emperor No-Hopey had solved the health care issue. Premiums were going to decline by $2500 per family–oh, wait, they were going to decrease by 3000%!!–according to god-emperor No-Hopey. If you liked your plan, you would be able to keep your plan. If you liked your doctor, you would be able to keep your doctor. No ifs, buts, howevers, etc. No-Hopey had spoken, and his drunken acolytes cheered his every impossible promise, every mindless assertion, every contemptible lie.
Now the liberals’ political fantasy has collapsed into ashes, and No-Hopey stands revealed as a cheap Chicago political vandal, a two-bit huckster sprinting away from the smoldering wreckage left by his utter incompetence. There’s nothing left for his deadbeat followers except to try to change the subject.
You could have saved a lot of typing by just saying Death to America Ayatollah Howie.
What conservatives wanted:
One year extension of mandate, Check
Extension of business mandate, check
Let people keep their crappy Dicount card/ rip off catastrophic plans Check
Getting to call Obama a liar and a dictator
for giving us what we asked for Check
Deborah Cavallaro pimped by Maria Bartiromo as a Obamacare victim later proved she was lying would actually save money
Bette from Spokane used like a dirty dishrag by Cathy Rogers ON NATIONAL TV REFUSED to actually go the the healthcare website told a a big cock and bull story about that later was shown she too would save money.
Julia Boonstra pimped by Americans for propsperity refused to believe the ACA would save her money because authority figures told her otherwise(typical conner sheep)
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many pants on fire lies about the ACA told by conner politicians and pundits that poltifact and fact check felt compelled just to LIST THE MOST HENIEOUS in a press release.
What conservatives want was for the ACA to not be passed in the first place..these were temporary fixes until the ACA could be fixed or repealed..
As they say, figures don’t lie, but liars do figure–and we certainly have some chronic liberal liars here.
Death Panels Today, Death Panels Tomorrow, Death Panels Forever! – The Person Howie voted for – Shhhhhh!
if it was not for the media and the get something for nothing deadbeat liberals…. barry the commie community organizer would still be standing on a south side chicago street corner passing out get whitey pamphlets……..
Careful with the critique tommi.
Once your 26 and have to find your own healthy care and pay for your own English lessons it may come back to bite you…….
I wish in unison 200 Democrats would have yelled that when Dubya started talking about Saddam’s mushroom clouds.
But life ain’t fair and then you die…….
They didn’t have time to yell. They were too busy voting FOR the resolutions in support of exacting retribution. Then POOF ! They conveniently changed their minds when it became politically expedient. Classy !
Is it true that a article about your much hated Obama gets the huge letters while all others are normal sized or capitalized in the feed back section?
Is it true that it does not make any different which side a person is on this subject, this looks in very bad taste on this forum. The “Editor” should correct this (B.S.)
Right or wrong, any topic does not deserve this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We pasted the code from the source and have an agreement with Investor’s Business News to post their articles that specifies that we can’t alter their code. If I could make it look like the others I would.
Thanks, I understand now. I should have ask first. No hard feelings?
And the lawlessness of this President continues.
What’s he done that’s illegal? Why isn’t he in jail or being impeached? Must be a lot of lawlessness since you say it ‘continues’.
If I have to explain then you have drank to much of the Kool-Aid. But I will explain by this; part of the the Presidential oath is to *uphold the law*. It does not say he has the luxury of deciding which law or part of a law, it says *the law*. If you need more than that then I can only say you are trolling. By rule of law which is a founding principle of our country, if Obama wants part of the ACA changed that action has to be started in the House of Representatives.
As for not being impeached, he (Obama) has the same luxury as Roosevelt, much of Congress supported his lawlessness or did not have the balls to call the President to the carpet.
If you really understood the Constitution you would understand that document *is* the law of the land.
We the Teajerks of America pledge allegiance to the 1% and to the oligarchy for which they stand, 50 nations under conservative white male rule with Theocratic Christian governance, partiality for gun owners, worldwide hegemony and state suppression for all, except us.
We the teajerks of American do flippantly swear that we will faithfully execute all the laws that favor rich white conservative males and will support and abide by the constitution except for Roe v Wade and all the other SCOTUS cases we disagree with, so help us republican Jesbus.
I really expected a more coherent response than one loaded with derogatory remarks. But that’s what I get to think you had more brains than your moniker tries to imply.
Jeez, BB, is that all you got? If so, you need to go out and play until Mom calls you to supper.
I understand the constitution very well. You seem to have a child’s take on it. You didn’t answer my question.
You just made it up about Obama, your president, doing illegal things. You shouldn’t do that. As I knew, nothing whatsoever to back up your empty charges.
Let me know if somebody feeds you something else that sounds good. Something else you’d very publicly and foolishly parrot for the truth.
The reason why he isn’t impeached is because the Senate is run by Dems. Wait to this November. And evem them, it os not likely to happen, but stuff like this will end. Anyway it is not really in the interest of the Republican House to do anything, even if Republicans control all of Congress after this November, as Obama is already a lame duck that is going to be a gift like Jimmy Carter was to the Republicans. This will take care of itself in a few months.
“… if Obama wants part of the ACA changed that action has to be started in the House of Representatives.”
Not so much. Hardship exemptions are allowed for in the original law. It is the same type of exemption that was part of Romneycare for the first couple of years it was in effect.
I just love all of the impeachment talk that can only speak in generalities as seen through the eyes of the Righteous Right.
Your right. So at this rate or rather this point *who* doesn’t have an exemption, I think Obama has pretty much “temporarily” gutted this law. But that’s what happens when everyone wants whats in the mystery box (not reviewing the law before enactment) and finding nothing but a white elephant. If burdensome is the primary cause of exemptions what could possibly make anyone think that two years or whatever Obama extends next will make it any less so? Nothing. So I think of those that say these exemptions are nothing more than for political reasons are right.
Not enforcing a law for 5 years is allowed..try that with any civil rights law!!
Hangnails are not hardships.
Don’t bank on Obamacare’ s failure until he’s long out of office & almost irreparable damages have occurred.
Obama has proved he will change any law necessary, thwart any means necessary so Obamacare stays in place in his hopes of ruining our great nation.
We can handle this-though we shouldn’t have to- but we’ll make it through.
I pray we have real leadership when the next liberal is elected because of all the illegals being allowed to vote w/o identification.
I REALLY pray that we right the wrongs before our nation is so weak & powerless that we get taken over by another nation.
Our forefathers & foremothers did not fight so many wars / conflicts for our freedom to have everything given away because a bunch of idiots elected an even bigger idiot.
I figured even the Old Testament Constitution loving Tea People would be all right with Obama changing the ACA as long as he didn’t change more than three fifths of it.
I need to stop figuring when it comes to thems people……..
You have to laugh at these rotten mom’s basement-dwelling liberals. These were the very same people who assured us that their god-emperor No-Hopey had solved the health care issue. Premiums were going to decline by $2500 per family–oh, wait, they were going to decrease by 3000%!!–according to god-emperor No-Hopey. If you liked your plan, you would be able to keep your plan. If you liked your doctor, you would be able to keep your doctor. No ifs, buts, howevers, etc. No-Hopey had spoken, and his drunken acolytes cheered his every impossible promise, every mindless assertion, every contemptible lie.
Now the liberals’ political fantasy has collapsed into ashes, and No-Hopey stands revealed as a cheap Chicago political vandal, a two-bit huckster sprinting away from the smoldering wreckage left by his utter incompetence. There’s nothing left for his deadbeat followers except to try to change the subject.
You could have saved a lot of typing by just saying Death to America Ayatollah Howie.
What conservatives wanted:
One year extension of mandate, Check
Extension of business mandate, check
Let people keep their crappy Dicount card/ rip off catastrophic plans Check
Getting to call Obama a liar and a dictator
for giving us what we asked for Check
Deborah Cavallaro pimped by Maria Bartiromo as a Obamacare victim later proved she was lying would actually save money
Bette from Spokane used like a dirty dishrag by Cathy Rogers ON NATIONAL TV REFUSED to actually go the the healthcare website told a a big cock and bull story about that later was shown she too would save money.
Julia Boonstra pimped by Americans for propsperity refused to believe the ACA would save her money because authority figures told her otherwise(typical conner sheep)
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many pants on fire lies about the ACA told by conner politicians and pundits that poltifact and fact check felt compelled just to LIST THE MOST HENIEOUS in a press release.
What conservatives want was for the ACA to not be passed in the first place..these were temporary fixes until the ACA could be fixed or repealed..
As they say, figures don’t lie, but liars do figure–and we certainly have some chronic liberal liars here.
Death Panels Today, Death Panels Tomorrow, Death Panels Forever! – The Person Howie voted for – Shhhhhh!
if it was not for the media and the get something for nothing deadbeat liberals…. barry the commie community organizer would still be standing on a south side chicago street corner passing out get whitey pamphlets……..
Careful with the critique tommi.
Once your 26 and have to find your own healthy care and pay for your own English lessons it may come back to bite you…….
Skip up to the 1:15 mark and hear No-Hopey tout those 3000% reductions!
These very liberals posting here fell for it!
It’s one thing to tell a monstrously stupid lie, as No-Hopey did, but it’s far more shameful to have believed it.
You mean what he says isn’t Gospel? Whodathunkit?
joe wilson right on right on….http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgce06Yw2ro
I wish in unison 200 Democrats would have yelled that when Dubya started talking about Saddam’s mushroom clouds.
But life ain’t fair and then you die…….
They didn’t have time to yell. They were too busy voting FOR the resolutions in support of exacting retribution. Then POOF ! They conveniently changed their minds when it became politically expedient. Classy !
Is it true that a article about your much hated Obama gets the huge letters while all others are normal sized or capitalized in the feed back section?
Is it true that it does not make any different which side a person is on this subject, this looks in very bad taste on this forum. The “Editor” should correct this (B.S.)
Right or wrong, any topic does not deserve this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We pasted the code from the source and have an agreement with Investor’s Business News to post their articles that specifies that we can’t alter their code. If I could make it look like the others I would.
Thanks, I understand now. I should have ask first. No hard feelings?
Comments are closed.