Indy Power Systems inks First Contract: MultiFlex Technology will Save on Energy Bills


Green Technology Start-Up with Evansville Ties Cashes in on Patent Pending Technology

December 16, 2010 – Indianapolis, IN – Indy Power Systems, an award-winning provider of battery storage and energy management solutions, has reached an agreement with Cincinnati, Ohio-based Melink Corporation to install a 50kW, 200kWh grid energy storage and peak shaving system for their corporate headquarters. Melink is a premier developer and integrator of large Photovoltaic (PV) systems from 50kW to 5MW.

This peak shaving system will allow Melink to materially lower their electric bill by reducing their peak energy demand and driving down their demand charge premium. Demand charges are premiums attached to electric rates based on the highest use measured. Utility companies measure demand over a fixed period, commonly 15-minute increments. The utility then applies a charge based on the highest (peak) 15-minute demand period over the entire billing period (typically one month). Sometimes the utility applies the demand charge over several months, so that one 15-minute peak can result in customers paying a higher rate for their entire electric bill for six months or more.

Indy Power Systems’ storage solutions also benefit utility companies by eliminating their need to build new power generation stations by reducing peak demand that utilities must meet. This peak shaving system can store energy off-peak for use during periods of peak use. In addition, Indy Power Systems’ storage system is earth friendly in that it gives recycled Lead-Acid batteries a second use as energy storage, extending their useful lives by up to a year or more. The Indy Power Systems package is unique because it utilizes proprietary Multi-Flex™ technology to manage and optimize multiple packs of different used batteries. Used batteries cost 80% less than new batteries per kWh.

About Indy Power Systems
Indy Power Systems is a provider of energy storage and energy management solutions for the utility grid and vehicle markets. The Company’s Multi-Flex™ technology has been recognized by MIT Technology Review and was named one of the “100 Top Stories of 2009” by Discover magazine. For more information, see

About Melink
Melink Corporation is a provider of energy efficiency solutions for commercial and institutional building
industries. The Company offers HVAC and Building commissioning, commercial kitchen ventilation controls
and solar PV solutions. Clients include Fortune 1,000 companies in the restaurant, retail, hotel/lodging, and
educational industries as well as government and military. For more information, see

Source: IndyPower Systems