Home Law Enforcement Evansville Police Department EPD Detective Of The Month Is Jonathan Helm 

EPD Detective Of The Month Is Jonathan Helm 


 Detective Of The Month Is Jonathan Helm 

Detective Helm has been selected as the Detective of the Month for April 2021 for his exemplary dedication to his job and work ethic throughout an extremely busy month. Throughout the month of April, he arrested 18 juveniles and had been assigned 29 cases. The high number of arrests that he personally took care of directly affected the patrol officers by keeping them from being tied up on time-consuming runs and detention bookings.

Not only did he respond to calls for assistance, but he also volunteered for several runs to keep patrol available for other calls. In fact, Detective Helm made such an impact that it was the patrol chain of command who nominated him to receive this recognition. 

Detective Helm is a stellar example of the positive impact one person can make, not only within his own unit but also to other units during the same process. This shows how important teamwork is and what a difference it can make. 

Congratulations to EPD Detective Jonathan Helmon for a job well done!!Â