by Gail Reicken, City-County Statehouse Editor
More women will represent Hoosiers at the Statehouse than ever before. As of last Tuesday’s Organization Day, 35 women now serve in the House and Senate.
Southwestern Indiana has the good fortune to have two women in critical leadership roles in the House of Representatives. Rep. Wendy McNamara will be the Chairperson of Courts and Criminal Code Committee and Rep Holli Sullivan will be Chairperson of the Roads and Transportation Committee.
With their friend Rep Ron Bacon, who will also chair an important committee, Interstate, and International Cooperation Committee, we should see more progress on issues that concern us in our corner of the State.
I especially would like to see some innovation past the Governor’s Next Level Roads initiative that he says is now fully-funded. Maintenance is critical, which highlights his 20-year infrastructure plan, and  I agree.
But, there are other critical infrastructure issues like addressing waterway transportation issues for commercial traffic that would benefit the economy in southwestern Indiana.
Our legislators should advocate for a port at the crossing of the new 69 bridge to complement the port in Mt Vernon. They should advocate with the new US Senator Mike Braun for a funded program of repairs and maintenance to the locks on dams on the inland waterways.
Congratulations to Indiana State Representatives Holli Sullivan, Wendy McNamara and Ron Bacon for being appointed to a prestigious Indiana State House of Representatives leadership positions!
Thank you Gail. I look forward to working for Southwestern & all of Indiana.
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