We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?


In the private sector when a person is accused of illegally taking funds from an existing business to pay personal debts, your arrested for misappropriation of funds.

In Evansville when a person is working at a non-profit business and is accused of illegally taking funds from an existing non-profit business to pay personal debts you’re let go and the former employer wishes you well.


Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Are you planning to vote in the upcoming Republican primary?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

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  1. Has the City shut off the McCurdy’s access to the sewers? That would seem the common sense solution given the McCurdy has a $1.5 million dollar water/sewer bill that will never be paid.

  2. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse’s origination may be a natural occurrence or man-made and can occur as a radiated, electric or magnetic field or a conducted electric current, depending on the source.

    The EMP Commission, which was set up after 9/11, estimated that within 12 months of an EMP event, two-thirds of the US population would likely perish from starvation, disease and societal breakdown. Other experts estimate the likely loss to be closer to 90 percent.

    A couple weekends ago an asteroid 4 times larger than the one that leveled 500,000 acres of forest in Siberia in 1908, missed Earth by only 119,500 miles. A near miss. And it was only detected one day earlier.

    Sorta makes some of the wedge issues so many people fret over seem rather small doesn’t it?

    Small is also the news coverage it got.

    Kinda makes you want to hug your toilet….

    • Reg, this may be awkward for both of us, you post was…um….very well said. The danger of EMPs with our non-hardened electronics could be disaster of beyond biblical proportions.

    • We are currently living in a period called between extinctions. Unless something happens in the next thousand years or so to block the sun, whales will again live in Indiana. I read that an EMP would result in the death of 70% of the population within 90 days. I have not hugged the toilet since the time I drank gin, tequila, vodka, and various spirits on a stupid night many years ago. Enjoy the moment.

  3. agree Reg…………coast to coast radio talk radio 1280 now with george norry has discussed this for the last two decades…….inexpensive to fix considering……………….along with that problem over he last two decades we now have korea………iran……………to deal with……………..open borders for terrorist…………………… .while the disgusting anti Amrerican commie liberal swamp want to take down a duly elected President with fake charges………………THANK GOD FOR MAGA TRUMP…………….AMERICA

  4. Seattle plans to tax companies to help care for their 4000 homeless. Seattle already budgets 200,000,000 annually to care for the homeless. The math doesn’t add up. Wonder how much all the local churches and government puts into local homelessness and how much is ate up by the social services industry? It seems the harder we work to end homeless plight the worse it gets. Paying someone $72,000 annually to ride on the backs of the poor and disenfranchised, then discover they’ve dipped into the pot may be part of the problem.

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