St. Vincent Center for Children and Families and St. Mary’s Health System Spirit of Giving Partnership


Christmas Program benefitting staff and families of St. Vincent’s

Friday, December 14, 2012-St. Mary’s employees will play Santa to 53 families of St. Vincent Center for
Children and Families (SVCCF) by providing gifts and supplies, including a Christmas meal, to each adopted
family. This is the second year in a row St. Mary’s departments have adopted families of SVCCF. Belmont
Moving & Storage is providing a moving van and assistance with the loading and transporting the gifts to the
Center. The local Civil Air Patrol will be on hand to unload packages from the truck.

The delivery of gifts will take place at St. Vincent Center for Children and Families, located at 730 W. Delaware
Street, Evansville. The Civil Air Patrol will be at St. Vincent’s to deliver the gifts beginning at 9:00am. Families
will be picking up gifts beginning at 12:00pm.

Executive Director, Sister Brenda Fritz, believes this holiday giving is a response to the shared faith-based
missions of St. Vincent’s and St. Mary’s. “The Spirit of Giving partnership between St. Mary’s and St. Vincent’s
benefits working families whose children are enrolled at St. Vincent’s for early care and education. Many of
our families struggle to make ends meet on a regular basis. With the generosity, altruism and service of St.
Mary’s employees, our families will experience first-hand the love of the Incarnate Christ who is the “reason
for the season” of Christmas,” says Sister Brenda.

St. Vincent’s supports working families, offering the highest quality of child care with a rich and
comprehensive kindergarten readiness curriculum for children. Our days of operation are Monday-Friday,
6:30am-5:30pm. St. Vincent Center for Children and Families is accredited through the National Association of
the Education of Young Children and rated Level 4 on Paths to Quality.