We hope that todays “Readers Forumâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we as responsible citizens of this community need to address in a rational and responsible way?
Todays READERS POLL question is:Â Do you feel that Mayor Winnecke should make a public statement if he’s for or against the COIT tax increase before City Council votes on this issue next Monday?
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers
Rex Tillerson Says He Remains Fully Committed To Moron’s Agenda
“I am standing here today to tell you that I am on the same page as this idiot,” the Secretary of State said – Borowitz
Which means Tillerson, “without a doubt” is on the same page as this Trump voter;
Which means UH OH….
This coming Monday, our distinguished City Clowncil will be addressing increasing our income tax by 17% while only reducing the General Fund expenditures by a poultry $100,000 out of 90 million in total expenditures. It is an OUTRAGE. On top of the Income Tax increase, Three-fifths McGinn is back at it again suggesting that the Homestead credit be totally eliminated and of course, expect Goofball Russ Lloyd to swung his shoulders and like last year, “the Administration is NOT supportive of this action” while it has been witnessed by anonymous sources that Three-fifths McGinn has had numerous back-door meetings with Winnecke accompany by Goofball. Of course, we have the head crowns on City Clowncil, a/k/a Mosby, Weaver and Drunkmeyer, hook-in- mouth idiots, blinding accepting this crap. They have more concern about appeasing the FOP then the Taxpayers. Maybe their lifestyles force them into favor with the cops???? Screw the taxpayers!!! Increasing Water/Sewer, Vectren, and Income Taxes, why in the hell would any business, especially, manufacturing come to this financial debacle. Of course, remember when Three-Fifths McGinn accused then Councilman Friend of being “Political” and declaring that our financial condition was in fact “Just fine” . . .he has been a sore excuse of a Financial Chairman this City has had the unfortunate to endure. When we think McGinn, we think PITIFUL!!!!!
IS IT TRUE that Finance Chairman Dan McGinn has been conferring with the Winnecke Administration to eliminate the remaining Homestead Tax Credit . . .
IS IT TRUE that the discussion between McGinn and the Administration has surpassed the Homestead Tax Credit elimination and advanced to increasing the Local Option Income Tax to the maximum allowable under State Statute . .an increase of 17% to the level of 1.20% of all income . . .
IS IT TRUE that Dan Hadden, CPA of the CPA firm of London Witte advised the Administration to implement a Spending Plan more than three years ago . . .
IS IT TRUE that no plan has been developed and the administration’s meager attempt includes attrition . . .
IS IT TRUE that attrition has never been successful and the reason is very clear . . .financial supporters of Mayors always show up at the Mayor’s office with their hand out for a job for one of their relatives
Of course, Winnie and Co is going to object to the tax and elimination initiatives . . why would he do anything but, when he has his minions on Council . . If he is against, bet your live he will not veto . . What a hypocrite!!!! Remember, Weaver and Mosby need listings from Mrs. Mayor!!!
Puerto Ricans are moving and flowing into the state of Florida after the hurricane at such a high rate that it will turn the State Democratic instead of a swing State.
Well, that’ll piss off those old white people…
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