AG Zoeller Presents Jonseboro School With $5,000 For Students’ Win In #KickRxAbuse Video


Winning Students To Receive Colts V.I.P Gameday Experience aA Sunday’s Home Game

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Attorney General Greg Zoeller today presented The King’s Academy with a $5,000 check for Mrs. Walker’s 10th grade health class’s first place video submission in the #KickRxAbuse video challenge. The first place prize money was donated to the school by the Indianapolis Colts and awarded on behalf of the Colts and the Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force of the Indiana Attorney General’s Office (Task Force).

The Task Force, and the Indianapolis Colts congratulated Mrs. Walker’s 10th Grade Health Class at The King’s Academy in Jonesboro, Indiana in front of the entire school for winning the #KickRxAbuse video challenge.

The #KickRxAbuse video challenge was led by Colts kicker Adam Vinatieri, who urges students to join the fight against prescription drug abuse in his own 30-second YouTube video. The winning video submission was created by The King’s Academy students Jenna Vermillion, Hayden Herring, Anna Holland, Lauren Winningham, Lauren Curtis, Elijah Myers, Anna Miner, Giselle Sallade, Christian Wood, Josiah Wollan, Leah Kiers and Ally James, and can be viewed here.

“The King’s Academy is excited to have been chosen to speak to this important problem in our state,” said Tony Miner, Principal at The King’s Academy. “Our students will use a portion of the $5,000 prize to support the work of a ministry that helps recovering addicts in our community. The remaining funds will be used to create an outdoor classroom area at the school.  Our most sincere thanks goes out to The Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force of the Indiana Attorney General’s office and the Indianapolis Colts for making all this possible.”

Aimed at preventing prescription drug abuse among teenagers, the video challenge gave Indiana students from grades 6 through 12 the opportunity to create and upload a 30-second YouTube video that highlights the dangers of abusing prescription medications. The contest, which began on Oct. 1, received a total of 72 video submissions from student groups across the state of Indiana.

In addition to the prize money, the students received VIP tickets to Sunday’s Colts game, free lunch at the Colts Grille, and a limo ride to and from the Colts Grille. The King’s Academy students also will get to tour the Colts’ complex and meet Adam Vinatieri at the end of the season.

“Encouraging and rewarding student to use their creativity to bring awareness among their peers to the serious issues such as prescription drug abuse has been an exciting project,” said Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller, co-chair of the Task Force.  “We appreciate and thank all who participated in the contest, and we congratulate our winning group of students, as well as the runners up.”

Greenfield-Central High School’s radio and TV program, and Gordon McNulty, a student at Herron High School, was the runner up in the #KickRxAbuse video challenge. All of the finalists’ videos can be seen here.

Zoeller encourages all who participated in the contest to continue sharing your videos and help get the word out about the dangers of abusing prescription drugs.

As a reminder, all Hoosiers are invited to Lucas Oil Stadium on Saturday, Dec. 17, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the Bleed Blue Blood Drive. The Task Force will host a prescription drug take back event where Hoosiers can bring unwanted medications to the Colts Bleed Blue Blood Drive to have them disposed of safely in an effort to protect the environment and your family’s health.

For more information about the Indiana Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force and the Attorney General’s efforts to reduce prescription drug abuse visit