“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Wednesday.

Todays READERS POLL question is: Would you vote for Evan Bayh to the United States Senate in this coming November General election?

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  1. God Bless our Police………..God bless Mr.Trump……..Law and Order………..2016…………

    • Please change your screen name to “Al dull as a butter knife” please

  2. Will the GOP Nomination of Trump be the End of the Religious Right?:
    A major US political force, the GOP’s religious right, was founded to elect politicians who share the conservative evangelical worldview and who have good moral character. Trump’s GOP nomination could end it forever.

    The question: Should they stay hitched to Donald Trump, or uphold the moral principles of their faith?
    1. Trump, whose religion, or lack thereof, is less aligned with evangelicalism than any Republican candidate in recent history.
    2. Trump says he is a Christian, but has admitted to never having asked God for forgiveness and has repeatedly changed his positions on the issues that members of the religious right hold dearest.
    3. Although he claims to be pro-life, it’s hard for many conservative Christians to shake Donald Trump’s declaration years ago that he was “very pro-choice.” Reinforcing Trump isn’t being honest again? It didn’t help that one of his prospective running mates, retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, said on TV this weekend that he’s pro-choice.
    4. Trump has been married three times, is known for sexist remarks about women, and is known for his marital infidelity, and advocates for the use of torture, which many evangelicals oppose.
    “Evangelical Christians are the real America. They’re asking us to support Trump, and we know there’s nothing about this guy that is us. They want to trot us out and use us. This exploitation will end the evangelical Christian force in America forever. Are we prepared to do that? Sacrifice our faith?”

    • …there are those here who will criticize bringing this up – about Trump exploiting the evangelical Christian community. BUT…watch. They won’t deny that is what is happening. They won’t deny it, cause it’s true.

      • Guys like al sharpie, JoeBiden, and PAK don’t really give a rat’s ass about Jeebus. They use the whole Christian card as an excuse to be a white supremacist bigot. There are some, like IE, that probably actually do believe in the talking zombie and believe lying Trump when he says he loves Jeebus now. If 30 years of sound bites and film clips of his mouth diarrhea don’t make you not want to vote for him, you ARE a racist. PERIOD

        • You forget the liberal’s favorite Jesus quote, “do not judge.” But then you had to suspend that part of your Jesus is a liberal theology so you could judge others. But you pretty well hit on every other shouting point in three sentences. That’s good.

          BTW, pay more attention to the Walking Dead if you are going to build your theology from it. Zombies aren’t resurrected, they are the living dead. They did not die that you might have life, they are dead and want to eat you to make them like like them. Sort of how liberal democrats eat anyone in the party who is not like them.

          And as long as you worship the patron saint of the democrat party who really was an unapologetic racist, Robert Byrd, and pledge allegiance to the party who consistently voted against civil rights, your own words, “you ARE a racist,” will be judged by them, PERIOD.

          • Oh boy. The whole democrats founded the KKK argument again. For the millionth time, the last of that party is dead as you apparently know. Lincoln was a liberal. I guess you’re taking the fox news approach, repeat a lie as many times as possible and people eventually will believe you.

          • Well, they did and Byrd was a KKK leader in the indiscretion of his youth, although he did apologize for being young, but I was talking about actual voting records.

            What do you say Ghost? Were the democrats wrong for voting against civil rights or is that a part of their racist history you support?

          • I’m neither dense or a liar Ghost, but I missed your answer in your tirade, do you support the democrat’s voting against civil rights?

      • They’ve been used for years. They are used to it, Trump knows that. Dobson called Rump a ‘baby Christian’, that’s an amazing statement but it’s all his followers needed to hang their hat on. Bring on the bombings, walls and waterboardings, Jesus is cheering you on.

        A lot of people are going to lose what reputation they’ve managed to build over this guy. He is, like Little Marco Rubio’s speech writer wrote, a conman.

        • I find it odd that Dobson supports Trump but did not support Hostettler. I’m not a follower of Dobson when it comes to politics and curing homosexuality.

          • Maybe because Trump is running for national office and while Hostettler was running for a (sort of) national office he was elected by a congressional district in Indiana. Maybe Dobson didn’t think it was worth his time, that he wouldn’t be getting a national microphone for his endorsement.

            I think he’s hurt himself by coming up with the ‘baby Christian’ tag to help explain his endorsement. It seems a stretch, especially in light of things like Trump saying he’s never asked God for forgiveness.

          • I think Dobson hurts himself becoming involved in politics. Billy Graham forded that stream without getting his feet wet.

          • Boy, he sure did. Across parties and administrations too. His son, not so much. Franklin might be suffering from residual acid damage.

      • I-E:
        Libertarian. It’s a good question, though. We need strong, disciplined economic leadership…smaller government, high employment, without more debt, in a business friendly atmosphere. This time…that is clearly the Libertarian candidate. And the GOP will get the message the better that guy does.

        • So what are Johnson’s positions on some of the touchstone issues for Christians?

          The GOP is getting the message with Trump. If they choose to go all democrat with the “Never Trump” movement and steal the nomination, I might have to go Green with Bernie.

          • Libertarian Johnson’s positions…as with all libertarians…is that religion is a private matter, and has no place in government, including not being subsidized by the government, and taxpayers, by possessing exempt tax status. (I share this view.)

            I’m Catholic. I’m not any less of a Christian or a Catholic because I believe religious organizations should not be tax exempt. Some religion administrative people get upset when you say this…it is in their best interest to preserve that exempt status…but they are wrong.

            TRUMP’s biggest problem….I will say it again……is not Hillary, or the Dems. It is the business-backed GOP. “Rome” doesn’t lose very often. Ask Spartacus.

            Trump is going down. It’s not because he’s a threat to them….it’s because he’s a fool.

          • I didn’t expect you to know that the touchstone issues are more gay marriage and abortion rather than taxing not profit entities, but if taxing churches is your reason to vote for Johnson, then I guess he is your man. Of course I wonder how he will make that pass a constitutional challenge.

          • I-E,
            There is NO candidate in the Election who thinks gay marriage and abortion are important issues. No candidate. (And that means Trump doesn’t care about those issues either.)
            I get it those issues are important to you I-E. But you don’t have a horse in this one, if they are. (Your arguments for being a reluctant Trump voter never hold water. The price you’re paying “hoping” Trump will do what you want……Christ Almighty…..it is unthinkably huge. “I’m voting for the dangerous fool”…..might as well acknowledge that’s what you’re doing. You’re too prudent to do that, no matter what your well-founded objections about the other candidates are.

          • THose are important questions to more than just me DB, and I have to admit that I am grinning at the silence of those “never Trump” conservatives who have discovered what I seen months ago, Trump would be the presumptive nominee. So no the question becomes “under whom will our concerns, true conservative christians, fair most favorably. We don’t need to revisit gay marriage, you prevailed to the loss that will show itself to be. The concern now is that we don’t ruin lives by forcing others to choose violating their convictions or financial ruin. Trump is most likely to see that forcing Christianmingles.com to restructure up its services to accomadate gay minglers and awarding the gay couple $18,000 for there services in bring the issue to court harms all of our liberties. Trump is also more likely to respect that the pro-live view deserves a voice in this important issue. So while I find him someone who would qqualify for an alterboy, he is th emost viable choice for president.

        • Indianaenoch, DB’s throw away vote helps to elect Hillary. So, to answer your question, that’s who DB wants for President. Super, 4 more years of Obama nonsense and 3 liberals to the Supreme Court to complete the leftwing socialization of our United States DB’s logic is just as goofy as that of Jeb from Warrick County.

          • (….thanks to JoeBiden, this response, this TOTAL pablum you are being served is known as GUN TO YOUR HEAD mantra: the “I can say anything I want, I can lie, make promises that I never intend to keep, lie about funding my own campaign, literally be a total buffoon, cause why?……cause I HAVE A GUN TO YOUR HEAD named ‘Vote for the dangerous fool, cause if you don’t, Hillary will be President’ .” Sorry. Smart voters think in decades, not four years. Hillary will be a one-term President….and a legitimate GOP candidate will replace her after 4 years.)

      • IE, you would have a better chance of finding out what was in Hillary’s deleted emails, than in finding out who Becker will vote for. That way he can keep on bitching about anything and everything.

        • ….staring you right in the face. All day, every day, I am a small government, Chamber of Commerce Republican. But you still have conspiracy needs Press. It’s unbelievable.
          You’re unhappy Press, we get it. Since you have no where to go in the world of political parties, your preference is to burn everything down. Since you can’t be happy, you want to make sure no-one is happy.
          Happy Resentment Day Pressanykey!

          • You are no republican. Your allegiance is to the establishment that runs the chamber, and sends their donations to any candidate they think they can control. You do not like Trump because the establishment are not sure they can control him like they do everyone else. Why don’t you admit it, you are afraid someone might move your cheese, or worse yet, take some of it.

          • …..I have seen this before from those who forgot the Dems are the “Party of Government” and the Republicans are “the Party of Business.”
            Crazies who insist “Starting the Day with a Christian Prayer” is more important than balanced budgets, smaller government and low taxes. They have lost their way. I hear this kind of crap: “Business is in bed with the Liberals now”….mostly from idiots. Pressanykey….you are delusional. The Business GOP is taking your guy down.

          • make that………”Crazies who insist “Starting the Day with a Christian Prayer in US Public School Classrooms” (correction)

          • “The business community is taking your guy down.” (Becker)

            * * * * * * *

            Your last great hope. I do not think it is going to happen. You guys have been sitting on your asses while the country has gone to hell. All you were worried about was your bank accounts. You didn’t give a damn about the country. You have had endless opportunities to improve the culture, and you have squandered them all. The citizens have you guys pegged. The control of the party must be wrested from your hands and put into the hands of some people who care about the country more than they care about their personal wealth. The democrat party has also been hijacked by liberal extremists trying to destroy American culture. There is only one group of people I know of who have their hands on the throttle of both parties. Evidently they feel they will come out on top either way things go.

  3. Editor – Can you make tbe Reader’s Poll any more difficult to find?

  4. I’m clearing my calendar for the clown show/convention. Drumpf is finally going to announce the entertainment today.
    On the Demo front, Bernie is endorsing Hillary. Evan Bayh will go to the Senate and help put Gregg in the Governor’s office, regardless of who he is running against. They may even manage to carry Indiana for Hillary. They did it once for Barack Obama, and they may get the job done again.

    • With this Trump dance he is doing, Pence is reminding every Republican pro-business Indiana constituency (Eli Lilly, Cummins, you name it….the entire Indiana business community), electing a Pence-led GOP in Indiana is a very stupid thing to do. Pence is bad for business.
      Evan Bayh entering the Senate race is merely a SYMPTOM that this is true. The Democrats are being handed a gift in Indiana this year.

      • You guys are missing it. Pence isn’t going to give up a guaranteed win over David Crosby or Rumpledump or whoever the Democraps are running against him for Governor. Nope, Pence will stay in Indiana and Trump will name Bobby Knight as his VP running mate. That might mean losing Kentucky in the Presidential race but then Kentucky is already a lost cause with Mitch McConnell representing them.

        • Pence HATES being away from DC. If he isn’t the Trump VP pick, he’ll remain on the Indiana ballot, but you can be sure Pence will run for VP if Trump will have him. When Pence bit the bullet and returned to run for governor, he didn’t have a clue that he wouldn’t be the Republican candidate for president or at least VP in 2016. It didn’t dawn on him that he could screw up so bad that he’d be battling just to keep the Governor’s mansion.

    • Surely…..by now, JOE…you realize Obama won his second term. What is with this Obama fetish?

      (…and Breitbart and Mother Jones….are not news sources. They are public relations agencies, a/k/a advertising firms. Posting a link to their sites is no different than posting a link to General Electric or Pepsi’ s advertising companies.)

      • Don, I absolutely adore you more and more when you post comments like this (about Breitfart and Mother F-Jones)


        • WIKIPEDIA:
          Mother Jones (abbreviated MoJo) is a politically progressive American magazine reporting on politics, the environment, human rights, and culture.

          * * * * * * *

          But hey, what ever Becker thinks it is, that is HIS reality. MOJO has been generally accepted as as having a liberal bent for as long as I can remember.

          * * * * * * * * * *

          Breitbart News Network (known simply as Breitbart News, Breitbart or Breitbart.com) is a politically conservative American news and opinion website founded in 2007 by conservative commentator and entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart (1969–2012). It also has a daily radio program, Breitbart News Daily.

    • Mr. Ratney does appear to be a jim dandy. Give him a good attorney and then let him feel the full weight of the judicial system. I’d point out that ‘innocent until proven guilty’ is an artificial construct to assure a fair hearing, whether before a judge or jury. It doesn’t necessarily mean that anybody thinks the person is innocent.

      If half of what is in the article is factual, I stand by my second sentence here.

    • Hey Joe. I hold you and Trump responsible for Timothy McVeigh’s actions. How do ya like generalization now?

    • White Trump supporter kills 2 cops in Michigan yesterday and wounds another. No mention from the white supremacist media.

  5. This is the “LEAVE, please, please leave Gov. Pence!!” from Indiana Republicans:
    ““Gov. Pence got hurt, obviously, with the Religious Freedom Restoration Act fight,” said GOP-led Indiana Senate President Pro Tempore David Long, a Republican and Pence supporter, referring to the controversial law that critics contended would have allowed discrimination against LGBT people. “The fact is there was some damage done there to him. We would be better off if he joined Trump.”

  6. I’m watching the Trump rally with Pence and I still go back to the same question, are you people really this stupid?

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