Everyday Citizens Came Together To Speak Out On First Amendment Rights


The City-County Observer is greatly impressed with the turn-out and conduct of the remonstrance on Ordinance G-2016-21 at City Council last evening.

We saw the sun begin to shine on the future of Evansville in Room 310 of the Civic Center , because people came together to show how much they cared about our First Amendment rights.

The thing that we are most pleased about is the diversity of the group that showed up to claim their rights. The people were young and old, men and women, black and white, and hailed from all parts of the city.

Concerned citizens were greeted by Council President Mosby’s condescension and denial that the proposed ordinance was aimed at taking the voters’ voices. She vehemently denied that the ordinance was aimed at blocking public participation in public matters, and declared it to be aimed at greater transparency of Council actions.

Councilwoman Mercer chimed in to remind the citizens in attendance that according to State law, the Council is not obligated to hear public questions and comments, except in allocations of federal money. Ms. Mercer even saw fit to repeat that piece of “wisdom” a second time.

Councilwoman Anna Hargis asked numerous question, and then confessed that although she had the ordinance for a month, she really “didn’t understand it until tonight.”

In sharp contrast to certain Councilmen, many of the audience members came forward with well-reasoned and specific questions and positive suggestions. The crowd was very enthusiastic and frequently broke into applause, but Miss Mosby was apparently unnerved by the energy in the room. At one point, there were five peace officers in the room, two policemen, two deputies, and a Civic Center Security officer, although most of the time there were only four officers present.

Only Connie Robinson and Dr. Dan Adams appeared pleased to public input into the matter. Ms. Robinson verbalized what many were likely thinking when she asked what was wrong with them spending six hours a month for a $19,000 salary and medical benefits.

At one point, speaker Mandraki Rankin joked that Mrs. Robinson and Dr. Adams were”awesome” but warned the other Councilors had better watch out because “I am coming for your seat next election.” Councilman Weaver commented that Mr. Rankin’s comments were “politicking and bullying” of the sort the ordinance seeks to stop.

Bottom line, It looks like Ordinance G-2016-21 has awaken and united the  true freedom loving people of this community!


  1. Old Yeller barked into the general election by a 12 vote margin in ‘her’ district. She appears to think that was a mandate to silence the public. Her denial that the ordinance ‘was aimed at blocking public participation in public matters’ is untrue. Her further declaration that it is ‘aimed at greater transparency of Council actions’ is also a lie. Mercer’s repeated regurgitation of the relevant state law, a statute that everyone concerned with this matter is already aware of, is sickening and shows the weakness of their position.

    The people got what they asked for with this bunch. The voters knew what they were going in and voted for them anyway.

    • I agree that the Mosby presidency of City Council is a tough lesson for voters, but I think it has been learned. I heard a lot of people at the meeting asking each other how people like Missy, Mercer, and Hargis could be elected. I also heard a lot of energetic young people vowing to get involved. I think this has been a real wake-up call.

  2. Through her arrogance and plain stupidity coupled with the sunshine Sir Winnecke has been blowing up HER HIGHNESS’ ASS, Mess Nosby’s agenda is to censor very citizen that does not agree with Her Majesty’s opinion.

    Furthermore, what idiot states (of course Michelle Mercer) in such a public forum that this council by state law does not have to allow free speech. These clowns must be tossed out of office starting with Weaver the wife beater (Weasel) and Big Bird, our yellow canary a/k/a/ Nosby and that Goof-Ball McGinn.

  3. Make no mistake Sir Santa Lloyd and Christmas Carol gave marching orders to Big Bird less her listings may be affected to silence their critics especially people like George Lumley ..”we can’t have intelligent individuals coming before council asking embarrassing questions” ..especially when President Big Bird’s IQ maybe slightly above room temperature.

  4. Kodos to Connie Robinson and Dan Adams ..for standing up and protecting our 1st Amendment Rights. People, we better wake up soon or in the future self-serving politicians like Weaver, Mosby, McGinn will be taking your God Giving rights from you ..these people are just BAD!!!!

  5. Mosby’s elitism is beyond comparison. IS IT TRUE, In all the years of this Council, it has been alleged by many sources that HER HIGHNESS has an open bar tab when conducting city business at the Evansville Country Club ..oh yes that organization that sue her for non-payment of fees. IS IT TRUE, When you become the number two salesperson at Tucker Realty those sort perks come your way especially when you become Christmas Carol McClintoch’s puppet???

  6. Have you noticed Josh Clayborn becoming more mouthy, not just on legal matters, but confronting and answering questions that should be solely up to the ELECTED officials? His role is for legal advice to the council, not to be their mouth-piece on public matters, and he should not engage with the public.

    • Very ironic that Jeb of Warrick County claimed Trump was unfit for public office (after Jeb got his smiling picture with Trump).

  7. ..last evening Lady Liberty had tears in her eyes ..and the Spirit of Freedom cried out ..and the area Clergy stood with disbelief that unlike the US Congress that commences every session with an invocation, under this anti-America and anti-God ordinance drafted by Mosby, Weaver, and McGinn and spearheaded by City Attorney and Newburgh resident, Josh Clayborn there no longer in the future will have the ability to commence City Council meetings with an invocation. These actions of Mosby, Weaver, and McGinn are Un-American!!!

  8. Maybe I am missing something here. Did these officials not run to represent the citizens in their area?Should they not know what they are voting on? Do they not get paid? Shame on Anna. Well at least she admitted it. Citizens, keep your elected officials accountable by organizing, calling, and letting them know you are watching their votes. That’s how you keep them accountable.

  9. I saw this on TV and Hargis made me ashamed for her when she said she didn’t understand the ordinance till the meeting. If she didn’t get that, how did she get to be a CPA? What did she do before she worked for Big Brothers and Big Sisters?

  10. I have been out of touch. Knew this was coming but could not believe that it actually came up for a vote. What was the final outcome of this meeting? Did this travesty get voted in? The little pipsqueak that is sadly representing district 5 — what was his excuse? I thank God every day that I am moving out of Evansville and will not have to live with the drama and stupidity that is this council. I, like many of you, do not believe that this group got elected. Way to Tank Evansville Guys. The few who did vote must have been paid well.

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