IS IT TRUE if you were a member of a search committee looking for a new CEO to run your Corporation would you consider hiring anyone from the Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE we would like to congratulate Councilwoman Connie Robinson on her quick thinking and strong stance to stop additional fees from being imposed on local water and sewer customers?  …Jenny Collins,  Financial Officer of the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Board last night showed open disrespect toward Mrs. Robinson when she ask her pointed questions concerning a proposed fee increase?

IS IT TRUE Mrs. Robinson put Ms. Jenny Collins in her place when she ask her what her annual salary was?  …after a few moments Collins answered Mrs. Robinsons question that she receives $87,000 plus salary per year?  …we wonder what Ms. Collins educational and professional qualifications are that she merits a whooping salary of $87,000 a year working for the Evansville Water and Sewer Department?

IS IT TRUE Jenny Collins was City Controller in the Winezapfel Administration who didn’t balance the city books for 2 years? …we are told when she worked as City Controller she made around $60,000 a year?  …when she went over to the Evansville Water and Sewer she got about a $27,000 raise over night? looks like the new slogan at the Civic Center is “when you mess up you move up”?

IS IT TRUE we also learn that members of the Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Board receives around $6,000 a year for serving on this board appointed by the Mayor?  …could this be part of why our water and sewer rates are so high?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that some teachers are required to sign a non disclosure form pledging not to make any comments about the ISTEP program?  …were told if they disclose the terms of the ISTEP testing program they could lose their teaching license?

IS IT TRUE we wonder what public office does State Representative Tom Washburn want? …does he want to be re-elected to the House of Representative or be appointed as the next Indiana Supreme Court Justice?

IS IT TRUE  predict that  State Representative Tom Washburn is in the primary battle of his short political career?  …we hear that he better not take for granted the political skills of his able opponent, Anne Ennis?

IS IT TRUE  last night Evansville City Council voted 9-0 to approve the $17 million dollars North Main Street “Bike Trail”  project in the seedy part of town? …last week DMD Director Kelly Coures predicted that Evansville City Council members would support this project by a 9-0 margin? …it looks like the mode of operation for our new City Council is to cut political deals behind close doors?…all we have to say is so much for transparency in local City government?

FOOTNOTE: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Friday?

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County

Todays “Readers Poll” question is:  Do you feel that Council was correct in voting to spend $17 million dollars to renovate North Main area?

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed


  1. can the new bike lanes be used for the scooters so prevalent in the Jimtown area? If so they might be a good idea.

  2. I think Missy and Weaver accomplished the same thing last night that a couple of broken clocks do every day. They were right twice in one day. The ordinance concerning protection of LGBT citizens is the right thing to do. The indecisision of Anna Hargis continues to disappoint me. Ms.Mercer and Mr. Elpers voted their faith, instead of the public interest.
    The other time Missy and Weaver were right they fell into line behind Connie Robinson and denied Jenny Collins’ request for added fees for water and sewer customers. Ms. Collins should resign her posh position after making the lame, dishonest argument about how the cost of broken meters and special trips to turn water off and on is now spread around among all rate payers and this would take that burden off them and put it on those who incur the costs. When asked if that meant the bills would go down and she had to admit that it wouldn’t, she exposed just how unworthy of the public trust she is.

    • So Laura do you think that the gurls turned into bois,and the bois turned into gurls should be able to use the restroom of their choice ? Cause that’s what’s gonna happen,,,,people that change there sex are freaks and I for one do not want to share restrooms with a it

      • A person who ‘changes their sex’ via surgery or hormonal therapy is no longer the sex they once were. They have become the other sex (likely after identifying with the other sex for decades). A male who has had sugery to become a female (or vice versa) should be expected to use the restroom of their current sex, regardless of whether others consider them ‘a freak’.

        If your concern is that guys will say they ‘identify’ as a girl so they can creep out in the ladies restroom. I think that’s a pretty valid concern. ‘Identifying’ as another sex and physically becoming the other sex are on the same spectrum, but different.

        • Delta Bravo many of these he-shes or she-he’s honestly I don’t know what they are ,,,they have a pxxxs and are stacked like the Dolly Parton of 40 yrs ago
          Some of these people are really far out

          • I don’t disagree, and if they IDENTIFY as a different sex but they still have their original plumbing, I think they should use their properly identified bathrooms. In the health care field, you can ask “what is your sex” versus “what is your gender”. Sex = original plumbing you came from the factory with, gender = whatever you feel like you are. We live in strange times, my friend…

    • lkb, you mentioned that “Ms. Mercer and Mr. Elpers voted their faith, instead of public interest.” It seemed apparent that with all of the emails and phone calls of their constituents and everyone else’s constituents voicing “No” for the amendment to the LGBT special protections ordinance, that the vote of the council represented an agenda that absolutely did not represent the people, the callers, the emailers, nor the majority thereof.

      Now don’t get me wrong, I am happy for the LGBTs, and that they did get rights, recognition, and protection from “actual discrimination” but I am not happy for the Christians who will be losing constitutional rights in this process. This is not about hate, or discrimination, or who is right and who is wrong, but rather; it is about equal rights, and you don’t make rights equal by giving one group special protections while taking rights away from another group. Any fool could determine that that equates to “unequal rights.”

      As far as the vote was concerned, every council member had their minds made up before entering into that room (which has happened at every single meeting this year), and nothing anyone could have said or done would have changed their minds… even if every single one of their constituents showed up voicing “No”. What they did… was not representing of the people at all… but rather representing the back room deals they are cutting with powerful entities that do not represent the people of this city either.

      If they truly represented the people, they would not be giving rights to one group while taking rights away from so many other groups. If they really represented the people, they would have tabled it until a solution was written that would have been acceptable on both sides of the issue, and those solutions are absolutely available, but they did not want solutions, they wanted “teeth”.

      Mark my words, this unconstitutional ordinance amendment will be the cause of “reverse discrimination targeting” of Christians in this city as it already has been in other cities, and when it does this city will be facing litigation… and much worse.

      • Well stated. While common services should never be denied any person, specific contractual services where the customer is dictating the terms of contracted services should be exempt. It really doesn’t matter if it is a religious or personal objection, but religious convictions most certainly are constitutionally protected.

        As I am sure you are aware, these ordinances have resulted in great harm to others even when gay marriage was not the law.

        I wonder how one reconciles Christians being denied the use of a sidewalk for a similar display as other groups have had? It appears that our anti discrimination ordinance does not apply to religion Even though it is numerated in the ordinance.

    • Uhh . . . she’s paid $87,000 per year and has an auto provided as well!!!! You would thing paid that kind of money and benies as well she could at least know how to reconcile the utility’s books to the bank accounts. Those things you learn in Accounting 101. Simply pathetic.

    • Just shows how inaccurate such data can be. You can twist anything around to make it sound good.

      • 169 out of 190 isn’t exactly setting the world on fire. Evansville was behind Flint, MI and now they are ahead. I think that has something to do with poison water. Just because Evansville rose in the rankings does not mean it got better.

  3. It is not surprising that our grand new bait and switch hotel will be Flintstones themed.

    ‘…It will also have a restaurant, the Stone City Grill, as well as a bar, the Quarry Bar.’ ~~ CP

    Could these people actually think they sited that damn thing in Bedford, IN? Maybe they named the bar and restaurant in honor of our new hockey team. It’d figure, this is a great hockey town, always has been. One of the best. Huge fan base.

    All is not lost, Betty Rubble will be dancing on tables to entertain the med students and their families.

    It is becoming apparent that the people of Evansville can be sold anything.

      • Me.
        Also, Enoch’s suggestion can be folded into Evil’s. The Stone Settlers, Terrors On Ice. Get your season tickets. They’ll make their own uniforms and cut their own sticks, you know.

  4. Mike Pence doesn’t get to pick the new Supreme Court Justice since it’s an election year. Oh wait, that only applies to half black democrats.

  5. Thank you Connie Robinson! The $50 fee for shut offs & turn ons is ridiculous! Maybe Jenny Collins can afford that rate but most cannot! A few turns of a water key is all it takes. Hardly worth fifty bucks!

    • Jenny Collins came before the Council to have them approve two ordinance changes. She did not need there approval to charge the fee. The fee has already been approved by the IURC. Ziemer (attorney for Evansville Water & Sewer Dept.) suggested they pass the ordinance change without the fee language included. They do not need to approve the fee. It is already approved. Quietly slid under the radar. The 600.00 replacement fee if you run over a smart meter is already passed by IURC. The last conversation with Mrs. Collins and her attorney is they did not know if the fee could be voided because it has already been approved. A study, a consultant, time & money went into the decision. You will see the fee. The dog & pony show was to make sure the Council came out hands clean.

  6. Usually when folks up the price on their product it’s either a good product or they have a captive base of purchasers. It’s the latter here. The water isn’t worth drinking, hardly worth flushing your toilet with. They used to warn us when it was going to start stinking up the house like a chlorine bomb but not anymore, they just dump it in. So … they raise the price and every fee they can levy on their foul product. And there’s nothing we can do about it.

    I’d suggest Mountain Valley Water for drinking, I’ve had it delivered for over 35 years. If there was still a good Chinese Laundry and Opium Den in Evansville I’d avail myself of their services.

    Somewhere in Pittsburgh a fatty raises up off his toilet and mumbles, ‘here comes one Evansville’.

    • Bandana, I certainly hope that you are using your food stamps to pay for that water. Many of our comrades do not know that bottled water can be one of their entitlements.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

    • mike pence has probably found out what winky wants to do with it , dog parks , bike paths around Evansville costing many millions while our roads are in desperate need of repair,CSO sewers need apx over a 1/2 billion dollars in replacement,,,,and this jackleg mayor wants dog park ,,,,gimme a break
      We don’t deserve the money for electing the asswipe as mayor

  7. Just an observation or two on Monday’s council meeting. You would have expected that Dr. Adams could figure out Ryan Hatfield’s gratuitous comments on the LBGT ordinance in time to prevent Hatfield’s shameless, and insincere sounding, ask for votes. But no. Might be best that Mercer doesn’t turn on her microphone. And, thank goodness one council member had the conviction to speak up about the administration’s nickel and diming the public with hikes in fees and charges. Russ Lloyd is making good on the prediction he made last year during questioning by council when the sparks were flying over the transfers resulting from Winnecke’s spending on legacy projects. Russ said that even though property taxes are capped, they would find a way to get money by upping fees. The residents in the Fourth Ward are hurt most by the free spending government, and Ms. Robinson gets it. Thanks!

  8. I realize no one cares, but I just wondering since we’re speaking of Evansville Water & Sewer and finances, does anybody know how much the city owes EPA in Federal fines for failure to comply with our Consent Decree to Control CSO Overflows? Seems to be a internal secret. For you information, St. Louis was recently fined $1.2 Million, get that – over a MILLION by the EPA for similar foot-dragging on correcting sewage overflows into the Mississippi river.

      • Lots of people who were once engaged have just given up. Maybe V is one of them. I surely don’t keep up much anymore.

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