Home Breaking News Vanderburgh County Tea Party Patriots Membership Meeting

Vanderburgh County Tea Party Patriots Membership Meeting

Vanderburgh County Tea Party Patriots Membership Meeting

Public Library, Red Bank Branch, 120 S. Red Bank Road, in the Howard Room at 1:00 p.m
Dr. Moss will get 10 min to announce his candidacy to those who do not yet know he is running. We are asking you to join us and wear your buttons in a show of support.

This meeting will feature the film The Free Speech Apocalypse, directed by Darren Doane (Collision and Unstoppable). A 95-minute documentary that highlights our cultural decay, The Free Speech Apocalypse clearly demonstrates the erosion of free speech and religious liberty in America since an April 13, 2012 confrontation between IU students and Pastor Douglas Wilson (who was lecturing on traditional marriage and family) at the University of Indiana.


  1. Call me when somebody is talking about banning Christians from entering the country, then we’ll talk “religious liberty.” What a joke.

  2. Christians are free,as long as they keep that religious junk off the sidewalk. Just the other day a young Christian couple left a work party, took their infant to grandma, and came back and killed their fellow employees in the name of Jesus. Happens all the time with the Christian Taliban. That’s why so many Islamic nations kill them by horrendous means. Islam is a religion of peace, but those Christians make them kill them.

    • I-E:
      Sarcasm is new for you….pretty good.
      The guys killing in the name of Islam are exploiting their religion as a means to gain power and control. All of the Middle East nations know it. (And they need to be killed, IMHO.)
      This Muslim terrorists’ behavior does not make Islam a murdering faith, exactly as the Crusades participant’s behavior (who were equally exploiting their religion for power and control) did not make Christianity a murdering faith.

      • Actually, the crusades were a reaction to Muslim agression what they invaded Spain. I have always said that what is great about our nation and Christianity is that both are self correcting. Christianity’s key teaching is love God and love your neighbor, so even when the faith strays it self corrects. What tenet of faith exists in Islam to correct it?

        Poor Bob just has a crockpot of hate simmering all the time and takes every opportunity he can find to dish some out for our consumption.

          • Borderline Christian extremist Indiana Enoch will never admit that Christian extremists murder in the name of Jesus just as Muslim extremists murder in the name of Allah. Discussion with him is pointless.

  3. If anybody has a doubt about the sanity of the Tea Party Patriots, they forgot to mention the date of their meeting.

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