Indiana Democrats Charged with Election Fraud



“Prosecutors in South Bend, Ind., filed charges Monday against four St. Joseph County Democratic officials and deputies as part of a multiple-felony case involving the alleged forging of Democratic presidential primary petitions in the 2008 election, which put then-candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the Indiana ballot. The officials are accused of taking part in a scheme to fake signatures and names on the primary petitions needed to run for president. Court papers say the plan was hatched by local Democratic Party officials inside the local party headquarters.”

“According to affidavits, Burkett told investigators it was his job to “forge petitions for candidate Barack Obama,” Shelton “was assigned to forge petitions for candidate Hillary Clinton” and Blythe “was assigned to forge petitions for candidate John Edwards.” When Edwards dropped out of the race at the end of January 2008 and Burkett refused to continue the forgeries, Morgan allegedly ordered Blythe to then forge petitions for Barack Obama.”

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  1. So…if they would do that for a big time presidential election just think what happens at the local level with the petty mayoral race or city/county council seats…. how about that probing microscope make a trip to the southwestern part of the state…can I get a amen?


  2. If Vop Osili/George Soros had been successful in stealing the office of Indiana SOS this sort of thing would have been going on under his protection!

    These people should be thrown in prison for the rest of their lives as a warning of what happens to individuals when they willfully corrupt the voting process of this country!


    • I fail to see how Mr. Osili has anything to do with this, Press. In fact, This has been going on under Mr. White’s watch. Interesting no arrests were made until AFTER Mr. White was removed from office. Birds of a feather?

      • Did you mean to say that it was exposed and investigated under Mr. White’s watch?

    • On November 7, 2006, Donnelly defeated Chris Chocola by 15,145 votes, or 8% of a substantially larger total of votes relative to 2004.[9] The key difference between the 2006 and 2004 elections for Donnelly lay in the results within St. Joseph County, the location of South Bend and by far the largest county in the district. Traditionally reliably Democratic, voters in the county chose Donnelly over Chocola by only a few hundred votes in the 2004 election. In 2006, however, Donnelly amassed 58% of the county’s votes, generating a 14,000-vote margin. (Wikipedia)


      • A 14,000 vote margin seems to me to be beyond the limits of forgery, but I really have no idea of what is possible in these situations.


    • I called this one a long time ago. Weinzapfel has been such a rainmaker for the Baker&Daniels firm during his two terms as mayor of Evansville that had it been legal they would have had him on their payroll for the last 8 years.

      It was Weinzapfel and Mark S. Moore, of Baker&Daniels, who put together the City of Evansville/ Water Dept.–Johnson Controls Inc. contract without ever seeking the approval of the IOUCC or the IURC.

      Wait until Evansville’s water utility ratepayers finally understand just what Weinzapfel, et al, has in store for them!


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