Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE AUGUST 13, 2015



IS IT TRUE we just learned that DMD Director Kelley Coures did it again?  …Mr. Coures just awarded a couple of financially well off people a $50,000 Facade Grant for their soon to be opened Bar and Restaurant located in the Haynie’s Corner area?  …we wonder if any of these financially well heeled people donated to Mayor Winnecke’s re-election campaign?

IS IT TRUE when Russ Lloyd Jr. was Mayor, it’s been alleged he inherited Million of Dollars from a  “Special Fund” from Mayor Frank McDonald Jr.?  …when Mayor Wienzapfel took office from Russ Lloyd Jr this entire million dollar plus  “Special Fund” was spent?  …former Mayor and City Controller Russ Lloyd  Jr. is now in charged of posting the accounting  transactions for the taxpayers of this City for the last 3 1/2 years?

IS IT TRUE we heard that the Mayors Chief of Staff told the City Controller Lloyd not to attend Council meetings? …could  the reason be that he doesn’t want Lloyd to attend Council meetings because he doesn’t want Councilman John Friend to ask him pointed questions about the $4 million dollars worth  of City Employee unpaid Health Care bills?

IS  IT TRUE that Channel 25-Tri-State Home Page yesterday have taken down all references to Cheryl Musgrave from its website?

IS IT TRUE we hear that Channel 25-Tri-State Home Page is refusing to give anyone a electronic copy of the story about Mrs. Musgraves desire to purchase a vacant lot in her neighborhood without a subpoena?

IS IT TRUE its alleged the actual emails written by Cheryl Musgrave sent to Carolyn Ruck are above reproach?  …its alleged this story published by Channel 25-Tri-State Home Page was created literally from Rusk’s recollection of events and speculation written in her two memos?

IS IT TRUE we highly recommend that you turn on Channel 44 News for professional, accurate and non bias local news? …News Co-Anchors Chris Cerenelli and Amanda Decker are really doing an impressive job in reporting the local news? …Chad Evans is doing a super job reporting the local Weather?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke’s main political attack dog Wayne Parke posted the attached comments in the CCO yesterday?  ..”.CCO Breaking News??????   Give me a Break!! The CCO is so one sided in their support of Gail Riecken it is ridiculous. The CCO is always trying to make something out of nothing.  Note the press release below that was done a couple days ago regarding the Mayoral Debate”.

IS IT TRUE Parke also posted “WINNECKE CAMPAIGN STATEMENT ON RIECKEN DEBATE REQUESTS” –“Mayor Winnecke is proud of the record he’s built over the past three and a half years, and shares the belief among many citizens that Evansville must continue down the path of growth and revitalization. We welcome the opportunity to debate these issues and look forward to working out the details in the days ahead.”

Submitted by: Wayne Parke

FOOT NOTE:  The CCO hasn’t received an official press releases from the Mayors office for the last couple of years.  If we did, we would had been glad to post them without opinion, editing or bias?  We are puzzled why the Mayor can’t speak for himself about the wonderful things  Mr. Parke says he done to enhance the quality of life for the average hardworking people of this community  during the last 3 1/2 years?  

Taxpayers of this community are angry with the status quo and they have a strong desire for authenticity in our political leaders.  As they said in the 60s, “the times are changing”

We can’t wait for the Mayor to explain to the voters if there were any political motives concerning DMD, ERC or Brownfield Corporation purchasing about $1 million dollars on vacant and dilapidated property on North Main Street, the awarding of 2014 facade grants, purchasing dilapidated property in the Haynie’s Corner area and either giving them away or selling them well below appraisal price, awarding of contractual professional service contracts, the rationale of DMD/ERC giving the proprietors of the McCurdy Hotel a $600,000 (paid by the taxpayers) parking lot for $1 dollar, the awarding of grants and extremely low interest loans to start up businesses located in the Arts District and downtown, low interest loans and grants for the development of condos downtown and the actual amount of money given by the City to the dormant Alhambra Theater restoration project thus far?


  1. The CCO needs to crawl out of their apparent hole-in-the ground. The majority of the public think Mayor Winnecke has done a good job trying to make Evansville the best it can be. They will be voting in November to express their thanks to him for his hard work.

    Wayne Parke

    • The voters will get what they deserve, Wayne. They always do.

      I think you may be surprised at how many people are tired of buying unicorns and pixie dust for downtown, while sidewalks and streets throughout the city crumble, bullets fly in their neighborhoods, and the Mayor spends us broke on putting a tacky roadside hotel next to the Ford Center.

      • True. But I would be very surprised if Riecken wouldn’t buy the same unicorns and pixie dust for downtown. For instance; is she willing to cancel the $60,000,000+ bribe to site the Med School downtown? North Main bike path? Hotel?

        • I think you will be getting answers to those questions very soon, and some of them may surprise you.

        • We shall see. She’s quite a bit smarter than Winnecke and just might be able to attract a legitimate developer to put a hotel downtown with minimal or no public participation. Nobody has offered a compelling reason that it’s even needed, because it is not. If one must go up down there it shouldn’t be financially or physically structured like the embarrassment Winnecke is proposing. If Gail is elected I’d like to see her say we’re going to stop the process, step back and look at it again later.

          The medical school was poorly and politically sited. I agree we shouldn’t pay for it. People will tell you with a straight face and bad combover that it’ll be an economic development asset. Put it in Warrick near Gateway, right over the county line where a medical community has already organically sprung up. Those good doctors-to-be can run for the border if they need a dose of the big city and we’ll be off the hook for all of that future money our inept little mayor is trying to spend for us. Failing that, USI is another natural site for it.

          The money dump to North Main, attended by some very suspicious real estate transactions, should be wiped off the board. Another politically motivated waste of your money. Don’t forget the Dog Park(e) is never far from the mayoroid’s mind and could rear back up at any time, depending on who’s got their finger on the remote.

          Imagine the damage Winnecke could do in a second term. His financial house of cards is already teetering, he’d have to put on a couple more money-finders like Coures. He could well be without Pence to rein in the state auditors next time around. He’ll also need some more lawyers to try to bat away the suits his administration attracts. These money-finders and lawyers will be paid for by you so an accidental mayor can feed his ego and make a few people rich while cluttering up downtown.
          This is one of those elections where the incumbent has been so ineffective, so bad, that it shouldn’t even be a close call. Despite his well chronicled ineptitude he is the patronage mayor, Big Patron, and has his supporters. Look at them. We are fortunate to have a solid, credible candidate in Gail Riecken to replace him with.

          • I absolutely agree with you that Gail Riecken is the smarter candidate. After 20 years as a city councilwoman, factotum of Jonathan Weinzapfel, and state legislator, she has absolutely no record of doing anything significant. She has flown completely under the radar, making this extremely affluent white woman very difficult for the Republicans to attack. She is doing an excellent job of keeping any substance out of her campaigning. I just hope that her daring criticism of the proposed drapery colors in the downtown hotel does not rub the crushed velvet community the wrong way.

    • 500k to earthscam. What a complete lack of stewardship of taxpayer dollars. Even initially after being shown all the proof of the scam he still was in favor of the full millions for them. He’s a failure. He’s just lucky it’s a race of two turds

    • Here we go again . .Wayne’s World . . let’s see . . he comes into office with 4.4 million in the General Fund and nearly $4.0 million in the Park, Golf & Sport Funds . . . after three years and nothing to show for it . . he has $307,000 in the General Fund after an advancement of $2.5 million from the Utility Dept and failed to pay $3.1 of his bills leaving an adjusted General Fund Balance of NEGATIVE $5.2 MILLION (SOME WOULD SAY FINANCIAL FRAUD SINCE HE IS GOING OUT INTO THE INVESTING PUBLIC TO PAY FOR THE MOTEL AND DONATION TO IUMS) . .and of course we have the Parks fund . .between Parks, Golf, and Sport Funds . .the number is NEGATIVE $400,000 . . so, after three years your Boy has overspent by $27,000,000 in the operations of our City . . What a financial moron!!!

    • Yeah Wayne. According to your legitimate scientific poll Winnecke has a 99% approval rating right? Face it, Winnecke is in way over his head and you just want to help keep him in place so you and your buddies can continue sucking at the public tit.

  2. 1950 Nashville same size as Evansville. Nashville has people standing in line and paying premiums to build anything.

    1980 Clarksville TN. 1/3 Evansville. 2020 Clarksville will be at least 50% larger than Evansville. People lining up to build homes and hotels. Oh and it’s not ft Campbell as the military has been shrinking the past decade.

    • Of the 10 largest cities in America, 7 were once smaller than Evansville. The only three that have always been larger than Evansville are NYC, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Jose were all smaller than Evansville, Indiana at one time. San Jose was smaller than Evansville in the 1950s.

  3. Here is a near quote from the last mayoral debate. It is from an article that I wrote for the CCO in 2011. The poster v posted a link last week and was a walk down memory lane.

    “The economic revitalization of downtown Evansville is now COMPLETE with the opening of the Ford Center”. Lloyd Winnecke, mayoral candidate

    I had forgotten just how much some people believed that the Ford Center would fill the downtown with thriving businesses and attract the next Google to town. There is no instance anywhere to validate such a delusional expectation. Quite frankly there is plenty of evidence to have predicted the limited impact that Ford Center has achieved.

    As long as leaders believe in magic bullets and pixie dust, projects will continue to disappoint. Folks, there are no magic bullets, pixie dust, leprechauns, or Easter bunnies. Children believe in magic and myths. That is why there are age limitations on voting and running for public office. As long as the elected officials continue to believe in pixie dust and live like Peter Pan (never grow up) the results will stay the same. Mayor Winnecke is not alone in believing in pixie dust, the numbers are legion.

    • Joe; For anyone who might have missed the repost. The articles comment range is rather interesting as well. Still seems not a day has pasted in relation to actual working solutions for that places stagnated well being indexing, in that sectioned balance of the musty old downtown Evansville. Our team does believe progress is possible, however it’ll really take some leadership adjustment and innovative change to the locally traditional methodologies engaged by the present governance. Still, unfortunately the utilities infrastructures and the poor mid-1950s logistical accesses destroy any viability towards the kind of real time valuation needed to invest the funding projected to complete any of those teeter, tottering projects planned amongst that outdated old downtown balance.

      “Aedificabitis, Clima Mutationem accommodatio”


    • Spot-on observations of what has happened to the City of Evansville, Joe. The public is hungry for meat and potatoes and Carol and her husband are steadily serving them crème brulee and cognac. I wonder if the pixie dust will heal the water main break that has a large swath of the north end of the city without water pressure today. I’m not certain whether a boil order has been issued yet, but I see one coming.

  4. As long as we are discussing the mayoral election, there are two more important things that have fallen through the cracks as the lust for a hotel of any type at any cost has dominated the minds of the leadership.

    1. How is the Tech Transfer agreement with the Crane NAVSEA facility that makes the entire patent portfolio of the Federal Lab Consortium doing? That was a big issue in the last election. The last thing I heard about was a bus full of elected officials going up there for a photo op in early 2012. It is my name on that agreement that started with so much promise for high tech and good jobs. Is it under good stewardship or is it now just good words on a dusty shelf?

    2. Is there an Angel Investment Network that does anything but sip coffee together and make no investments. The lack of capital is a big contributor to the arrested development of entrepreneurial success. Have the promises for action in this area from the last election been fulfilled?

    3. Are the ingredients for making meth still available over the counter?

    Those are just some promises in the dark that this discussion has reminded me of. Are they topics for discussion in this years election?

    I know Steve Wozniak and I am sure if he gets a seat at the debate table this will come up. He is an entrepreneur and understands these shortcomings well. Maybe Woz will serve Evansville as Trump and Sanders are serving the nation by continuing to bring up the issues that the mainstream partisan politicians run from like they were copperheads.

    • In reply to #2, it appears that Josh Armstrong and the Chamber have failed to literally give away a restaurant at 4th and Main.

    • and Joe, don’t forget:

      4. Johnson Controls wireless water meters.

      Why has this project gone so silent ? We expected the Mayor to cover up the actual (underperforming) results, but why has City Council not even so much as asked for a review of status ? Could it be that Council voted for this albatross 9-0 in favor ? Those up for reelection–don’t want the truth out there; lame ducks: too embarrassed to admit their folly ?

  5. The Betty being built with less capacity is the most troubling. No one necessarily turns down an arena for being too big as portions can always be portioned off. Like Alamo dome when Spurs play. They will turn down an arena when the capacity is too small.
    We could have at least gotten the “first four” away from Dayton.
    Got to love the cheap look of the corrugated steel paneling inside too.

  6. Wayne:
    Don’t bother trying to reason with the CCO and its cadre of “miserales”. You know, the citizens of Evansville, (and God knows from where else), who whine and moan about all things Evansville. The only solution to the suffering of these chronic malcontents is for their prescriptions to be renewed. I wouldn’t hold my breath on that.

    • Yeah, there speaks a true “Cinderfella” troll. Importance to todays board, “not so much.”

      ( Cinderfella )
      A man who must be home by midnight for any one of a variety of reasons or he will face serious consequences.

  7. Dear CC Editors

    Since Parke is local chairman of the republican party, I would offer that his posts need a higher level of scrutiny by CCO.

    Wayne does the same thing every time he posts something. He jumps on and either write something inflammatory and unsupportable by facts and reporting, or he spouts cheerleader nonsense that nobody believes. But the pertinent issue is that every time he does that, he never responds to repeated requests for clarification or answers.

    His ability to do “drive-by commentary” is a farce and should not be tolerated. If he cannot behave and answer or respond to the tripe he posts, then maybe his commentary should not be allowed to stand. I would offer him a couple of hours, but after that if he ignores everyone, than as chair of the republicans (and their “mouthpiece”) I think he should be held to some sort of standard to respond to what people ask of him.

    If he cannot answer and support the crap he posts, then why should he be allowed to use the CCO as a bulletin board?

    • I respectfully disagree, this is an open site for posting an opinion,– anyone’s– and that of course always provides a chuckle now and then ,–tho more particularly in the case of the buffoon Parke, no one here every can demean him more than he does himself,–it’s a Hoot every time he’s tried strutted his “Stuff/Routine” on here. LOL!

  8. To ClassyEvillePolitics –WOW. Do you believe in censorship? I suggest if you do not like what I have to say–just skip over it. Unlike most other people–I sign my name.

    Wayne Parke

    • Wayne, I think the vast majority of people on here probably think that you signing your name would be more of an embarrassment rather than something to be proud of

    • Another (captains call), aye ? Your a piece of shunned valuation with the involved members of the party. Good, cause so far you all suck.

      captain’s call
      A decision made unilaterally by a team leader without consulting colleagues, often a massive clusterfuck.

      • The petition that The Phoenix put up has sputtered and fizzled out. Nobody told him about Petition Viagra or maybe it could have languished a while longer before such an embarrassing end. They were counting on being able to point to it as a referendum on Winnecke. Maybe it was. If so, he’s headed back to the private sector.

    • Mr. Parke, as progressives, of course we believe in censorship directed at conservatives. Nearly all of us, like ClassyEvillePolitics, are extremely thin-skinned, and although we love to attack conservatives, we tend to weep and rage uncontrollably when criticized ourselves. One of my most thankless tasks is to try to teach our local progressives how not to go to pieces.

      I do not think that you have much to worry about, though. Your long-standing position as a liberal Republican fellow-traveler of ours, your support of Democratic candidates, and your personal war against local conservative Republicans makes you a real ally of ours, although many of our more childish and less sophisticated progressives fail to see this.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
      Maximum co-coordinator
      Organizing for Idiocy
      Evansville Cell

      • You sure have the certified ear markings of a useless internet troll. Why waste your time, There is nothing amusing about the flotsam you pinch hit post with. That. and it always seems the only time you come to the plate the innings played out and the game is long over.


  9. Hey Wayne!

    The CCO posted this:

    FOOT NOTE: The CCO hasn’t received an official press releases from the Mayors office for the last couple of years. If we did, we would had been glad to post them without opinion, editing or bias? We are puzzled why the Mayor can’t speak for himself about the wonderful things Mr. Parke says he done to enhance the quality of life for the average hardworking people of this community during the last 3 1/2 years?

    Since you assert that you are some all-powerful wizard in republican circles, maybe you can answer why the Mayor does not send press releases to the CCO?

    If you have such a tight relationship with the Mayor, maybe you can answer to the CCO why they are apparently steadfastly refusing (for multiple years) to send any press releases to the CCO. It is not hard to do, since the emails and faxes are automated and sent out as a “blast” from the Mayors office. If you have as much political muscle that you try and convince everyone, then why do you allow the CCO to be ignored?

    Yeah, that’s what we all thought…..

  10. Just back from Raymond Washington, EPA mandated 10 million sewage plant…. result many homes with $200. water bills. What will 850 million do for the fixed income home owner?

    • With our plan figure is a solid $89.00 bucks a month maximum, per average household of four, but that “oneonceover” includes the valuation given for new truly vanguard innovations in solving the old stupid infrastructured problems, as such. “Something politically and summarily banned” in your little Combined sewers balanced dung holed, smelly and toxic cronies sucking planned for them, and their crapolia worthless to the revenues bases bent’s.
      We can beat them to their bones with true science, when this plan goes forward soon, in some other pained by CSO regions with more positive cooperation due their citizens, Evansville will again look as the fools whom have just massively failed the offerings. That’s terrible, seeing as you could have had the first in balance and advantage concerning the innovation. That means the growth and enterprise involved during the presentation and application.
      Good darn jobs across the technical and engineering board. You’ve blown it again.
      Its your stupid politicos, and that my friend is why you’ll pay more and ultimately lose the rush to apply the transgressive systems that will move certain regions forward , all the while others such as yours sits on their collective hands and………Fail.

      The V-team.

  11. Don’t forget how the Greyhound dump is saving downtown http://i57.tinypic.com/148gaqx.jpg

    Couldn’t give it away for FREE! Improvement o the city, ho! (how much did the dog and pony show cost for the building to sit as vacant as before the ‘restoration’?)

  12. Hey everyone,

    This is Jordan Vandenberge from Eyewitness News. I just wanted to clear up some of the misinformation in this edition of IS IT TRUE.

    No, it’s not true that we ‘took down’ all references to Cheryl Musgrave on our website. We recently changed content management services (CMS). The CMS is the online portal where we publish our web stories. It’s a huge undertaking because we essentially have to convert the hundreds of thousands of stories from the previous CMS to the new CMS. With technology (as I’m sure everyone here can attest to), it’s not always perfect. Because of this, the Cheryl Musgrave story I recently did didn’t get converted. It was unbeknownst to me because I was on vacation last week. It has been corrected.

    No, it’s not true that we’d require a subpoena for a copy of the electronic story. That’s ludicrous, especially when you consider you can print it directly from the website. Like I previously stated, the story was not converted when we changed content management systems.

    No, it’s not true that the story was solely based around Rusk’s two memos. The story was fleshed out by Rusks memos, Cheryl’s emails to Rusk, Cheryl’s emails to Brad Ellsworth, Cheryl’s emails to Luke Yaeger, Mr. Fischer’s account and Cheryl’s account, not to mention the inconsistencies in her own account.

    Best Regards,


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