IS IT TRUE  Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken “Political Poll” is complete?  …confidential sources tell us that Mrs. Riecken is only behind by single digits?  ..the political spin Doctors in the Winnecke camp are claiming he has a 23% point lead?  …all we can say is get ready for a real knock down and in your face political campaign for the Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that DMD is currently looking at the last 7 years for CDBG funds (Community Development Block Grant) that hasn’t been used over the last seven years?  DMD Director Kelley Coures announced he found an extra $300,000 while reviewing the CDBG account?  … we hear DMD have 3 more years to review?

IS IT TRUE  that $200,000  of these funds was used on Fulton Ave new sidewalks  project? … CDBG  paid for the $47,000 playground equipment located in the 2nd Ward.?  ,,,that $500,000 of this fund was use to build low income housing in the 6th Ward?

IS IT TRUE we predict the Mayor will make a well timed political announcement right before the election that he found additional $250,000 to spend on the North Main Bike Trail project?

IS IT TRUE we wonder who is responsible for the tracking of the CDBG funds at DMD ?  …they should be terminated immediately for being incompetent?

IS IT TRUE we highly recommend that you turn on Channel 44  News for professional,  accurate and non bias local news?  …News Co-Anchors Chris Cerenelli and Amanda Decker are really doing an impressive job in reporting the local news?  …Chad Evans is doing a super job reporting the local Weather?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. New addition to the CCO is the Cause of Death reports generated by the Vanderburgh County Health Department.Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. I don’t follow how building 3 “low income houses” with $500,000 makes any good sense what so ever.

    • Will, I have been studying that one for some time. I have concluded that it only makes sense that it was better than one of their other deals: spending $350,000 to remodel a “low income house” and then sell that house for $90,000.00 to a buyer with a subsidized down payment and subsidized payments. Not really that good of a deal for the buyer because it only appraised for a little over $100,000 after the remodel. Most of the way DMD spends our resources makes “no good sense”, in fact it makes no cents at all.

  2. Single-digit lead ? Come on CCO, is it 9 % or 1 % ? If you state precisely 23 % offered by the Winnecke tribe, you should pinpoint the lead as per Ms. Riecken’s analysis.

  3. If she can get him on stage his lead in the polls, whatever it is, will diminish as they speak. A degree in communications will only take you so far and he’s got quite a bit of mileage out of his. He should be ashamed to show his face and apparently is. He’ll gladly show up with his trusty shovel to break ground while breaking the city, but as far as substance or achievement goes he’s just not the guy. If he really cared about Evansville he’d resign in advance of the election.

    • Mayor Winnecke is a very good speaker and always has been. He reminds me somewhat of President Obama in that respect. Speaking is one thing, competency is another, but being able to execute on time and budget with relevant actions is what leaders should be evaluated on. Recent political history of both parties at all levels has proven that being able to speak eloquently doesn’t mean much when it comes to effective execution.

    • You nailed it Bandana! He should resign and take the abrasive incompetents he has appointed to leadership positions in this city with him.

      Winnie won’t debate. Wayne and Carol won’t let him even if he wants to.

  4. What do they mean by bike trail? Is it more than painting the chalk outline of a dead bicyclist symbols on the road like they’ve done all over town? That is just a waste of paint. It does absolutely no good.

    • I sure do hope so. I know him and he will mix it up. Who do you think benefits from his candidacy in the general election? Whose base will Woz siphon from?

  5. Sale Brings Nexstar’s Communications Corporation of America Station Purchases into Compliance with DOJ Criteria

    If you click on the tab: BCB businesses, you will see that their bench is not very deep, consisting of only Channel 44 Evansville. It appears that DOJ Minority Ownership goals were instrumental in BCB’s success in purchasing the station. I have not been able to find a list of the names of investors Bayou City Broadcasting, but it would be nice to know that information.

  6. elkaybee –Be a big lady and use your real name. Are you being transparent?
    Well you are wrong again–like you are on most things. See below.
    “Mayor Winnecke is proud of the record he’s built over the past three and a half years, and shares the belief among many citizens that Evansville must continue down the path of growth and revitalization. We welcome the opportunity to debate these issues and look forward to working out the details in the days ahead.”

    Submitted by: Wayne Parke

    • If you’re going to be trollblazy and ctrl c/v your dissent to others, me too..

      Aside from growing infrastructure decay, city debt and greased crony palms… what “path of growth and revitalization” do yo speak of, Captain DoucheBag la’Rue ?

      Enlighten us all to the great ones blessing upon this city…please.

    • I think everyone knows who ELKAYBEE is (LKB). She uses a phonetic spelling of her initials and has never shied from revealing her name. I might not always agree with her (she is a little too much left-wing) but I respect her thoughts and comments and her RIGHT to express them. And she doesn’t need me to defend her. In a three round verbal fight with “Backdoor Wayne” she’d probably look like Rowdy Ronda Rousey kicking that Brazilian chick’s butt.

  7. Wow. We knew it, and guessing now most really informed others do as well. The lousy stinking mandated sewers, that’s lack of concerns and that’s lacking bullshit blowing forth within the realms offered to those searching for affordable housing.
    All the BS cronies fueled old downtown projects to date are just squat to bail the idiots that sat to long on a lousy infrastructure with horrid 21st century logistics.
    So now they demand you as tax payers somehow bail their archaic business plans out because they failed to project the future and innovation for decades.
    They all suck period, and its not the Evansville tax bases endeared call to bail their stupid asses out for the lingering business plans and so on.

    Its spot on, you people receive lousy
    sucky estimates at the true valuations in that bung holed old town Evansville balance.
    The medias bought and endeared, so you all are simply slowly screwed, when the presentation hits the paper or the slow cronies aired pure BS, all the ranting for your load of closed network chosen ERBC pigs, will come to bear really tough for those fools who were swayed to buy in to that nonsense.

    That’s sad sh-t and “everybody knows it”. We have their balance predicted and locked in now, and will assist in publically destroying their strangle hold over the Local Evansville area as needed. If you trade on the public market, advice from the overhead…
    Sell your locals, even if its half cheap. Save now and, sell cheap, while you still can. Sad you need to change that.
    Start with changing the cronies list politicians that are balloted by the crapolea that fronts them, and their faked out working balances.
    The other offerings, heck, do not place a vote for the regulars there they are all already in on the dole, as well.

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