Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE JUNE 16, 2016

IS IT TRUE JUNE 16, 2016


IS IT TRUE that a well known democratic attorney whose law firm does millions of dollars of legal work for the City of Evansville is posturing to head a “Democrats for Winnecke” campaign?  …we predict that the voters will see right through that self serving effort?

IS IT TRUE that we over heard  a noted voice of years past from the good old boys political network express that he thinks Democratic Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken should stay home and bake cookies? …our response to him that if some of the men in elected office today would had stayed home and baked cookies the taxpayers of this community would be better off?

IS IT TRUE we encourage anyone to run for public office regardless of gender? …we were reminded last week by a Gail Riecken supporter that Evansville has never elected a female Mayor in our 200 plus years of existence? … we would like to point out to look at what kind of shape the good old boys political network have left us in over the last 200 years?

IS IT TRUE the next thing we will be hearing from the misinformed and outdated opinions of the yesteryear political network is that Mrs. Riecken is too old to run for Mayor?   …our response to them would be remember Ronald Reagan?

IS IT TRUE let the mayoral campaigns begin by talking about the real and important issues such as high taxes, street and side walk repairs, real costs of the Hotel and I U Medical school, political patronage, nepotism,  the practice of awarding no-bid contracts , water and sewer repair costs and excessive spending habits of Mayor Winnecke?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why the city water taste so bad?  …could it be that they don’t have the money to dredge round the water treatment plant?

IS IT TRUE we hear that Tropicana-Evansville is looking for a new Director of Operations?  …the powers that be would be wise to consider Tropicana Director of Marketing Stacy McNeill for that position?  …Stacy is well known and highly respected by people of this community?  …she has the skills and experience to take Tropicana to the next level?



  1. First paragraph: why not “name names” if this is true ? If you don’t know if it’s true, why report on it ?

  2. Gender should never be a deciding factor in a race for any elected office. Evansville has never had a female mayor. So what? The best candidates, the most qualified candidates are the ones that should be elected regardless of race. Just because there has never been one doesn’t mean that electing one will solve our issues.

  3. Is it true disloyal “democrats” that stabbed Rick Davis in the back are coming out of hibernation to stab Ms. Riecken in the back? Is it true the State Democratic party and 8th District Chairman Anthony Long may get involved since the local democrat party can not police itself?

  4. “…we were reminded last week by a Gail Riecken supporter that Evansville has never elected a female Mayor in our 200 plus years of existence?” So what?! Does that make Reicken qualified? Does that mean she will not follow in the example of Weinzapfel? What in her years of service can you point to that would indicate we couldn’t expect more of the same from her?

    And then you believe this statement is vindication of arguing that Reicken should be our first woman mayor? “we would like to point out to look at what kind of shape the good old boys political network have left us in over the last 200 years?” Really?! Men like Bosse, Motoux, or McCurdy who have been civic leaders in our last 200 years led to the GOB network we have today? All the “Good Old Boys” have been or currently are boys? That’s as ridiculous and sexest of a statement as Gail should stick with backing cookies.

    That giddy for Gail tingle running up your leg certifies the CCO as honorary fellows of the Chris Matthew’s school of evangelistic journalism.

  5. “let the mayoral campaigns begin by talking about the real and important issues such as high taxes, street and side walk repairs, real costs of the Hotel and I U Medical school, political patronage, nepotism, the practice of awarding no-bid contracts , water and sewer repair costs and excessive spending habits of Mayor Winnecke?”

    Yes, this are the questions they need to answer. Both candidates need to feel the heat?

  6. Lloyd Winnecke has a horrible albatross hanging around his neck — his record of failure.

    The first order of business, for those who truly care about Evansville, is to de-elect Winnecke. We are lucky to have a viable alternative to his financial shenanigans and untruthfulness — Gail Riecken.

  7. IS IT TRUE we wonder why the city water taste so bad? …could it be that they don’t have the money to dredge round the water treatment plant?
    Not as much as the fact we can not afford to carbon filter it. Not dredging will burn up the pumps though.

  8. The Winnie turd should have been flushed last time. The Gail turd needs to be flushed this time.

  9. Riecken vs Winnecke

    Leadership – Motivates others to perform at a higher level. Uses the right leadership style for the people and problem involved ie dictates, guides or delegates depending on the skill level and motivation of their subordinates and importance of the problem.

    Social and people skills. Interacts well with the press, department heads and the public in general; Is a good spokesperson for the community. Is seen as likeable and available.

    Time management – Prioritizes and makes effective use of their time.

    Vision / Planning – Lays out a vision for the city, develops a long term plan for the city, and leads city towards their goal. Prioritizes plans based up realistic time frames and budgets

    Management – Hires effective people, delivers projects on time and under budget

    Ideology – Seeks an optimal mix of taxes and government spending and works within the comfort level of the budget but also within community attitudes and comfort level. Seeks the best solution for most people, vs working for the rich and powerful.

    Character – Can be counted on to act in an ethical and credible manner. Avoids conflicts of interest both in appearance and in fact. Is transparent and candid.

    Technical skills – Understands the legal and financial duties of being mayor.

    Feel free to rate each candidate

  10. The State Democratic party can only remove local Democratic County party officers under State
    Party Rule 19. It is unable to do anything to non-officers that publicly and financially support Republicans. Democrat office holders are free from State Party discipline to publicly and financially support Republicans.


    It is interesting under Rule 12 that a “City Committee” may be formed in addition to the well known Rule 13 County Central Committee.

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